NL Events

Free Software Europe Events

12 September 2022

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

(in person)
17 September 2022

FSFE booth and Upcycling Android session at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands

(in person)
21 September 2022

FSFE Netherlands get-together

@freeschool fsfe tried to cancel richard stallman which shall never be forgotten or forgiven. i don't care that i get no tax returns for the true FSF in europe my money goes there now. FSF are true, fsfe is a bunch of backstabbing traitors who sell out their spiritual father on a whim for woke points.

@bonifartius Careful there Mr. Fire :nes_fire:

I'd say there is a kind of binary happening when really WE ALL MUST $ELL OUT because we are forced / born into it.

(I just did my special move there and hope you appreciate that last line without absorbing its 'almighty' truth to hard)

And so, thus we can find it easy to call half good people bad and demonise, just as our emotions feel like 0 when in truth probably they are 3/4 ok / still have goodness.

And then for FSF or FSFE or even Stallman himself (although he's iron man) don't be surprised if they sell all out / need money / try something silly... not because I think they will or wish for it... but just expect it and play more the long-game of knowingness going towards simply purifying from bad waters each chapter to better waters / converting culture nicely... and perhaps not being all in too hard inside the construct we're in and then blaming others. Yes I do blame those before us more!

None of of us avoids the stains this swap leaves on us as we were born into the swampy stuff... and do have to clean it up like good citizens under better flags / logos (if any <--- which might be a sub point).

Stallman and maybe the rest all have good ideas as spiritual father or not, so keep to fighting in a good way and in saying this focus your anger Daniel Sun. Although this wasn't a waste of time so do pardon me if it's reply to nothing major as original reply.

Great picture by the way! Good to have humour in such things :)

Oh no... hang on...
is that a Playstation 5 he's holding?


"Stallman how could yoooooooou!"

@freeschool sure, everyone has something he will fail. still depends on what the failure is if i consider it as morally corrupt or just a human failure. stallman didn't sell out for more than 30 years, and counting. does he have strange opinions sometimes? sure. does he try to rob people of their life? no.

my gripe is that the leadership of fsfe also is accused of sexism, still they try to cancel RMS by participating in a witch hunt. i hate double standards and bullshit woke witch hunts more than anything.

fsfe had to make it about woke shit and participated in cancel culture. those things just completely destroy any trust. i don't want to support people this morally corrupt. there are mistakes you can fix by acknowleding them and right the wrong. this isn't such a mistake. this is fubar.


@bonifartius Fair enough sounds like a lot of heart needs to be involved. All I can say is practise communication (you and everyone) and I think, just maybe maybe, we might get there in terms of feelings which also mess things up as well as downright dirty work. Step carefully peeps!
P.S- About the last word in your last reply - what's you're preferred word for the R in the acronym ?

> About the last word in your last reply - what's you're preferred word for the R in the acronym ?


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