"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
"I was diagnosed with #Aspergers #syndrome, #OCD, and selective #mutism.
... ...
I think that in many ways, we #autistic are the normal ones, and the rest of the people are pretty strange, especially when it comes to the sustainability crisis, where everyone keeps saying that climate change is an existential threat and the most important issue of all and yet they just carry on like before."
#Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greta_Thunberg
#Autism = #Normal #Feelings for #Earth #Nature #Human #Sentient #Beings + doing something more DAILY - rather than near-0....
"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
This is not a good take. Being autistic doesn't make you better than other people.
Especially that there are people that take trash science or even superstitions and make it about their superiority.
More on this:
@freeschool@qoto.org @actuallyautistic
"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
@dzwiedziu @actuallyautistic
it’s not ABOUT Autistic people, it’s about normal peoples’ deficiencies.
"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
There is not enough context given for me to assume that.
Also using the world “normal” to any people is problematic in itself.
"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
@dzwiedziu @actuallyautistic
the context is all there, Autistic people and, “everybody else . . . who . . . “
Like you think Greta is some kind of supremacist? And what, the majority type doesn’t have big problems?
"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
I think you're trying to accuse me of saying something I did not said.
Therefore take 24h in the mute box.
"we #autistic are the normal ones," #GretaThunberg #Quote
@freeschool @ActuallyAutistic

I loved this kid as soon as I was aware of them, and yes, Greta, damned straight.
Also we are the original ones.