Interleaved practice finds learners studying spacing their retrieval practice session and engaged in spaced retrieval practice of other topics or subjects between successive sessions.
Spaced practice finds the learner engaged in retrieval practice over an extended period of time. Those educators who encourage students to begin studying for tests for weeks before it is given understand the importance of spaced practice.
Retrieval practice finds the learner actively recalling what they have learned. Student who test themselves on the material they are supposed to learn can recall more of the content than those who do not practice retrieving.
Humans are social creatures; individuals gain evolutionary advantage by participating in social groups. Our brains have adapted to learn from social situations.
We learn how to form sentences and the rules of grammar (for example append “ed” to verb to make it past tense) long before we are taught the rule in school.
Conditioning is the form of highly repetitive behavior it is known to exert powerful influences on the formation of habits in humans and responses to environmental circumstances. For the learning we do in schools, not so much.
Because project-based learning often falls outside of the traditional academic boundaries and because instructors typically exert little control over what is learned and how it is demonstrated,
Teaching often results in “’inert ideas’—that is to say, ideas that are merely received into the mind without being utilized, or tested, or thrown into fresh combinations.” Alfred North Whitehead was right.
Grades can be perceived as rewards or punishments; high marks reward those who learned well and punish those who did not. There is evidence this reasoning does not explain what we observe in classroom.
Even the most motivated students value others’ assessment of their work and the degree to which they are able to be critical, creative, and practical with their knowledge.
We (both individually and as leaders in organizations) obtain technology systems (often at great expense) because we expect a performance gain. With the technology, we reason, we will be more efficient or more effective. That is no always realized, however.