Edtech for Edleaders: Computer Rooms Today
Epistemology is Not a “Four-Lettered” Word 4: Speed of Learning
One things I learned during 35 years in education: The more experience students have in laboratories, workshops, studios, and similar spaces, the better their education. #education #teaching #schools
Just because "the boss" wants it does not mean its a good idea. This is especially true in #education .
Edtech for Edleaders: What We Want in IT Systems
II work in #edtech. 'm always skeptical of IT applicants who cannot describe how school populations are different from business users.
What Larry Cuban Said About Technology is (Discouragingly) Still Accurate
Epistemology is Not a “Four-Lettered” Word 3: Authority
Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation at a community college in New England
Retired k-12 science/ math/ technology teacher/ technology integration specialist/ coordinator