Gokul NC boosted
Normality creates empty people. Embrace abnormality and chaos.

@arteteco You should think of it like you're looking at Earth from Mars. Not like a guy lying in his bed on a 50th floor of a 100 storey building looking at his neighbours in the same floor 😁

@arteteco I guess they do :)

The human population is 7.8*10^9.
Let's assume 3.9B of them are females irrespective of age.

Assume you'll live for 70 years.
Which comes down to 70*365.25*24*60*60 which approximately comes around 2.2B seconds.

There it is, approx tho ;)

@freemo @arteteco One very simple way to test it out would be to record a slow motion video by pointing your phone's camera to the light source, and ensure your camera app shows what's the FPS at which it captures the video. And check if you're able to see flickers and at what FPS.

Not the best way, but might help.

@freemo Thanks, I understand. It would be interesting to know if you include any other context into your algorithm in addition to the history of prices in the market.

If not, it might mean you're good at picking the right stock to invest in (which magically goes well with the algorithm you have which optimises for short term cycles of buy-and-sell for some short amount of time/days) 🤔

@freemo Great. So is it a learning-based algorithm like RL where you model each timestep as an immediate reward and use a model-free algorithm to keep it generic to any market and optimised with specific short-term discount factor for daily profits?

Apologies if the question is too basic since I'm new to algorithmic trading.

@freemo Mode is more common than we think.
For example, we can blindly choose the mode value of a discrete distribution to maximize our profits in betting (when things are very uncertain)

Worried that you don't have a girl?
Or depressed that you've broken up with your woman?

Remember that the total # females in this world is twice the total # seconds you have to live all your life!

So man up, my brother! Set goals in your life much higher than longing for females.

A man of confidence, right charm and higher goals attracts more females than a magnet can attract iron ;)

Consider this. The current society literally has equal fucking rights for men & females, and even more sophisticated privileges for the females.

Yet they require all sorta bullshit like women empowerment. The hindrance to women is not the society now, but the females themselves.

There is so much efforts put into women empowerment, and so much pushing is required to get them to the level of current pathetic males.

Now, imagine if there were something called "men empowerment". Even without that, men are gifted to be strong in their psyche like a malleable stone. If we were to bring something like that, the world would be turned upside down.

Yeah ofcourse, it's never going to happen.
Thank you to all the unconscious and adrenaline-lacking males, simping around about feminism shit without even understanding the nature of why there is a righteous difference in the role of sexes that the mother nature has bestowed upon all animals.

Essentially, feminism brings down the level of a man by gradually inducing feminine traits in him, and levels up the females with a bit of masculine traits.
The median level that's brought by this is definitely a loss for the world though we would never be aware of it. All for the cost of subconsciously desiring for pussies.

The more privileged a man gets, the more social responsibility does he hold in rightfully sharing his wealth and wisdom for social welfare.

A billionaire who is not a socialist is worth no respect, no matter what he achieves in his profession or no matter what Mars-colonizing goals he has.

In a world driven by emotions and ignorance, what is the best tool a wise man should weild? Pure logic and true knowledge.

A good leader especially should be driven by the motive of bringing up his men with his power of wisdom and compassion, for the ultimate development and welfare of his beloved brotherhood.

Just be a man unmoved by emotional stimuli or material urges, never being ashamed to admit your ignorance and having the right aim of quenching your never-ending thirst of knowledge. Exhibiting emotional behavior and making irrational decisions driven by your insecurities is for the children and females, not for the strong and brave ones.

Any advancement in any kind of automation is a closer and closer step towards taking a man increasingly closer to the level of a female, for half the greatness of a man comes from his physique, which has aided the world in bringing up the strong pillars of the society that we stand upon. The fact is often ignored, for it could be an indicative of who really brought about the upliftment of this civilization in true and courageous ways. Inequality in the name of gender equality in this modern world just degrades the quality of a man, for all his contributions would have been consumed and replaced in the form of inanimate automations. What more strength does a man have, if his direct physique will no longer continue to build and maintain the civilization which was under his rightful reign? His other half, the psyche.

A modern man destined to be physically powerless thanks to his quest for sophistication, shall not give in to the mental flow of the modern world humans; utilization of his brave and daring psyche should be of core importance, for that is the only last chance for a man to atleast be half the true man he could be. Failing to do so would result in there being no difference between a man and a female; resulting in a pathetic failure of the sexually dimorphic model gifted by the Mother Nature. Is a man really even a man if he differs from a female only in his genitalia?

TL;DR - Man just don't be a fkn simp, be an alpha or die a pussy.

@peterdrake It's not that it's the only way to crossover. It's just inspired (a bit) from how meiosis works. In simple words, meiosis can be thought of crossing-over of 2 alleles during meiosis-I stage, which is then split into 2 daughters in meiosis-II stage.

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