Bundestag stellt Selenskyj-Pappaufsteller auf, um AfD und BSW dauerhaft fernzuhalten https://www.der-postillon.com/2024/06/pappaufsteller.html
Leak: EU-Kommission kündigt schon „Fahrplan“ zur Umsetzung des 42-Punkte-#EuGoingDark-Überwachungsplans an. Für #Vorratsdatenspeicherung, gegen #Verschlüsselung.
https://netzpolitik.org/2024/going-dark-eu-staaten-wollen-zugriff-auf-verschluesselte-daten-und-mehr-ueberwachung/#dokument netzpolitik!
Das muss gestoppt werden!
Hintergrund: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/beitraege/draft-going-dark-uberwachungsschmiede/
Selenskyj trägt Putin-Maske, damit Wagenknecht und AfD seine Rede nicht boykottieren https://www.der-postillon.com/2024/06/selenskyj-bundestag.html
Sowas ist einfach unhöflich!
Why are people so active on #X again? The same old pattern of bubble against bubble fights without any rational, patient deliberation all over again?
“Look here, I told you!”
“No way, here’s the cherry I just picked that should teach you!”
And on and on it goes.
#SocialMedia is the bane of modern democracy imho.
Is rational deliberation still possible in the conflict between Israel and Palestine? Terror is no way out and suppression on the other hand is no option either. On X—former Twitter—German progressives are quick to denounce pro Palestinian reasoning as antisemitism. Yet, where are the people, who address both sides faults?
Was Israel always in the right? Was there really no unlawfulness and suppression on their side? How to have peace without a true and fair appraisal?
Wer meint, Verteidigungsfähigkeit sei gut und Kriegstüchtigkeit sei schlecht, der liefert wohl auch nur Sandsäcke aber keine Pumpen in Flutgebiete?
Indeed, equal treatment and gender-ignorant processes are called for—but maybe not not affirmative action?
Was für ein Glückspilz! Alle, die sich gegen Putin stellen, haben zufällig einen tödlichen Unfall https://www.der-postillon.com/2024/02/putin-glueckspilz.html
Let’s agree that this is not personal, I do not feel addressed by “anti-gun-nut” and I don’t intend to mark you personally. I may sometimes confuse what you cite with what you claim - forgive me for that.
Let’s try to focus on what we may tentatively agree upon:
1. Murder and assaults are to be condemmed and prosecuted first of all. Not weapons are killers, but their users.
2. A focus of a weapon may be reasonable if the potential harm of misuse is rather high (similar assessing risk of failure and potential damage in a risk analysis). It may seem appropriate to regulate use and access to weapons if there is significant risk and damage in potential misuses.
3. Certainly, there are inconsistencies - we do not live in perfect rational worlds and risk preferences vary strongly.
Is 3 the main reason for our disagreement? E.g., because you may easily get chemicals to build weapons of mass distraction, but guns are in comparison overly restricted? If so, then we should work on that, but I do not see a pro grun case. So, yes, buying poison or gases might also be regulated more strictly.
People have abducted planes, if you remember… There is no absolute security. But people react to risks and mass shootings are more frequent than all other neglected dangers that you have cited.
What then is you point? I indeed may totally have missed it, sorry.
PS: You gun-carrying survivor certainly has more options than a non-carrying person, but that is “linear thinking” and works ceteris paribus only. If all do it (carry guns) perpetrators will account for that so that misses out on feedback and unintended consequences…
Fair enough. I should have asked what was meant. And certainly, attributes like “automatic” or “assault” distort rational exchange — as does “anti-gun-nuts” in the cartoon.
The dissimilarities between the other weapons and guns are imo so striking, that it is hard to really take the cartoon more serious:
You can defend yourself against attacks from the other weapons and the perpetrator needs to approach you closely. Columbine and Utoya would very, very likely not have had casualties anywhere near the ones obtained with other weapons than guns.
What is the likeliness of getting a serious or even fatal wound accidentally from cleaning those other weapons (or tools as you say).
Honestly, that cartoon to me looks as stupid as they can get. And it tries to be “sophisticated” and “clever”—but imho it just is not.
(Interesting, that you claim people would be alive had they carried a gun—I doubt your ability to be simulate alternate real scenarios to a reliable degree here…)
Das sind die schönsten Plakate der protestierenden Bauern https://www.der-postillon.com/2024/01/bauernproteste-bildergalerie.html
CFP Deadline Extension!!!
The Deadline for the Call For Proposals for JuliaCon 2024 conference has been extended to Wednesday 31st January 2024
Link: https://pretalx.com/juliacon2024/cfp
CFP Deadline: Wednesday 31st January 2024 23:59 (CET). #Julialang #coding
Ein weiteres Argument für ein AfD-Verbot kommt von @muellertadzio: Das Verbotsverfahren macht es der Union unmöglich, mit der AfD zu koalieren.
Management consultant interested in modelling & simulation and Bayesian approaches. Main author of the free Business Simulation Library (BSL) for Modelica.
»We must know, we will know.«
–David Hilbert