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Ian Kenway boosted

I have made a decision. I will publish my PhD thesis as a book with zero books

It is analytic metaphysics and moral philosophy.

The broad argument of my thesis is that humans can perceive moral facts in much the same way as epistemic facts. In the same way that epistemic facts exist regardless of the existence of humans, so do moral facts. While moral facts entail different standards of rationality than epistemic facts in the way humans move through and interrogate the world, they are nonetheless objective in a very similar way. This means they are both binding on the way humans are to be assessed as rational. I understand rationality to be a virtue which applies to both morality and knowledge of the physical world.

If I am correct about my account of facts, then moral realism is true, and it is indeed possible for morality to be objective.

Ian Kenway boosted

This may look like a #sparrow in the throes of dying but looks can sometimes be deceptive. In actuality, this fellow was thoroughly enjoying a #DustBath. The #photographs are presented in chronological order.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Nature #Wildlife #Birds

Ian Kenway boosted

Documentary Film about Quincy Jones and American Black Music
Well worth watching

Ian Kenway boosted

"The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers."

-- Sydney J.Harris

Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted

Today I finally received the long awaited YouTube terms of service where I have to grant YT the right to monetize my videos. I used the channel for my tutorials about FLOSS 3D-CAD software and never felt the need for monetization. Over the years I was able to help a lot of people using FLOSS software. So now I'll either shutdown my channel and loose all these viewers interested in FLOSS or advice them to use NewPipe or Invidious to watch videos on YT. Damn you YT.

#degoogle #youtube

Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted

“When Tesla’s bitcoin purchase policy was announced, the bitcoin cost of a Model 3 produced about 400 metric tons of carbon dioxide, compared with just 8.85 metric tons to make and drive the car over its lifetime.”

And they call this guy a genius. I have other words in mind.

Ian Kenway boosted

Sometimes when I’m #cooking, my wife leaves some mystery #ingredients for me to add to my dish. Today it turned out to be #nettles which she had boiled earlier. Luckily, they didn’t sting and tasted and looked a bit like chopped spinach.

Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted

‘Brazil is a global pariah’: Lula on his plot to end reign of ‘psychopath’ Bolsonaro - this can't happen too soon...

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