@Vivaldi how do I view "ALT" text on vivaldi mobile? Visit social.vivaldi.net and long pressing on any image with ALT text only shows a snippet of the text

illandan boosted

Happy to share that I have successfully completed the Google Summer of Code 2023 with @libreoffice. I would like to thank Andreas Heinisch (@DrRobotto) and Heiko Tietze for their unwavering support and mentorship throughout the #GSoC '23 program.

Final report blog post: bayramcicek.github.io/libreoff

@freemo I may have missed it, but since I now see an option to block an entire domain, is this blocking action instance-wide or just for my timeline? I also vaguely remember some back/forth discussion on instance-wide block-list for certain spam/offensive Mastodon instances - so this is a bit confusing to me, personally.

illandan boosted

is now back up and migrated to bigger servers. There shouldnt be any more issues moving forward.

I wonder if the massive lockdown over Coronavirus will force employers to rethink their workforce policies? Perhaps allow for more flexibility in WFH? or go fully remote? Or they might even see that fully remote is the way to go and it's not so bad as they thought after all? 🤔

illandan boosted

@illandan No data loss at all. We have very high data retention rates. One reason why our search is one of the most comprehensive in the fediverse.

Oh, my timeline is filled in now. Wonder what it was, some downtime?

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Hmm, I log in here to an... empty home feed? What's happening?

Hey Fediverse, here's a question for you: If I search for a hashtag, are the results presented from all federated instances or just the home instance?

illandan boosted

Discord is valued at 1.65 _billion_ dollars.

What kind of person can look at that and go "ah, yes, this free chat service is totally not gonna screw us out of private data for profit"?

illandan boosted

I was somewhat bemused reading this news article on CNN: edition.cnn.com/2019/01/24/bus

I'm also surprised to see nobody even questioned him, looking at how woefully out of touch he is with reality. US folks, what's happening here? :O

"To frighten the EU into believing we are serious about no-deal Brexit, the country has staged a fake traffic jam all the way to Dover" -- Seriously? You can't make up crap like this and have the voting public pay for it!


@freemo Just something I noticed, typing out emojis like :smile: or :wink: do not automatically translate on here, unless I tab into it and select the emoji. Expected?

"65,535 character limit" -- anybody here that wrote their toosis(thesis)?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.