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The "land of the free" has a greater percentage of its population in prison than any other country, EVER.

Iker Jiménez y sus nazis

Un programa de máxima audiencia haciendo de propagandista de un líder de la mayor organización hitleriana de la historia de España sin advertir a los telespectadores de quién se trataba. Nos quedamos sin líneas rojas que traspasar

If you think Elon Musk owning Twitter is a problem, just wait until the only cure for some disease is to implant a chip by Neuralink Corporation in your brain. *

* Terms and conditions apply. We care about your privacy. Please see our Privacy Policy for full details.

#neuralink #elonMusk #billionaireDouchebags #SiliconValley #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming

Vanilla js with native modules. After years of fighting with new build tools every other day I was so happy when http2 and native modules finally became a thing.

Remember that artists are not just the content they create. They are people who enjoy creating and are making art that means something to them. It might be something as simple as a little cartoon like this, or something that completely blows your mind. There is a person and a life of experience behind that art.

If we decide to dive into a future where content can be divorced from the person behind it, we will be living in a diminished world.

It might be more important than a cool avatar.

Friendly reminder que el artículo 45 de la constitución española dice que quienes dañen el medio ambiente están obligados a reparar el daño causado.

Feliz día del papel mojado.

Al igual que hicieron en su día los productores de La Noria -y perdieron- la productora de Masterchef amenaza la libertad de expresión.

Anunciantes, retirad la publicidad de un programa que comienza a ser una dieta tóxica para los derechos constitucionales.

Shout out to the MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) team for the work they've done and continue to do documenting and educating on #webdev and web tech.

The go-to authoritative source for decades. From "I want to learn web dev from scratch" to "I've made websites for decades and still reference this daily".


He puesto un filtro para eliminar cualquier cosa que ponga "RT @" de mis feeds. Y no veas lo que relaja.

Well, I'm not american, so I won't argue about what was said or done there. Anyway, I find hard to believe any government wanted the virus to spread; even if they were real psychos, governing officials usually prefer happy times. More money to play, more people in the mood to keep them in power. I am more inclined to believe in incompetence and lack of preparedness, they are much more prevalent in governments worldwide.

About filters: who and how are really tough questions. But at least "advice" as "drink bleach" or "COVID doesn't exist" should be taken care of. Of course, lies coming from official sources are much more difficult to manage.

The Canadian-German co-production Lexx (1996-2002) is a sci-fi TV series that really polarises people. I think it's dark, richly imaginative, intelligent, crazy, sexy, sleazy, violent, outrageous, inspired, visually lush, funny and goofy and if you just go with the flow it’s an amazing ride.

My review:

#lexx #scifi #scifitv #culttv

Let's talk about ACCESSIBILITY in VIDEOGAMES. ♿ 🎮

There are over 2 BILLION people in the world living with a disability.

And a significant percentage of them are struggling to play games. 🚫🎮

As game developers, we have not just the POWER but the RESPONSIBILITY to help reducing the barriers that are stopping so many from being able to effectively play games.

Let's see what we can do in this thread!


#gamedev #accessibility #disability #games #gamedevtip #inclusivity

Molly White bravely presented her talk, [Is Web3 bullshit?](, at Web Summit 2022 in front of a crowd with what are likely many people deeply invested in Web3. She calls out the ubiquity of vaporware, the numerous grifts, and the entrenchment power behind the rhetoric while acknowledging the importance of the lofty goals which should inspire technologists.

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It’s #FollowFriday so I hope folks utilize the hashtag to find my account here!
Give me a boost! Maybe if I can show some of the big accounts on Twitter that it’s possible to grow sizably and quickly here, too, they’ll migrate over!

Now that the looming demise of the birdsite has motivated me into making an actual effort at posting: here's Part One of some older #content

Parts 2-4 continue in the replies.

#superman #LanaLang #fanart #comics

Finding a lot of my favorite Twitter people here via one of those tools, and I hope some of them start ...posting.

Lo que pasa con Twitter es que realmente carece de muchas de las características que esperarías de una verdadera alternativa a Mastodon.

Por ejemplo, no hay forma de editar tus toots (que allí se llaman confusamente "tweets"; un nombre un poco tonto que es difícil de tomar en serio).

Los "Tweets" no pueden estar bajo una advertencia de contenido. No hay forma de indicar que te gustó una publicación sin compartirla también, y no hay marcadores.

No hay forma de configurar tu propio servidor, y básicamente está atascado en un único servidor de Twitter. Esto significa que no hay moderadores de la comunidad a los que pueda acudir. Además, no puedes bloquear servidores con contenido indeseado.

Tampoco se integra con otras plataformas del fediverso, y no pude encontrar la opción para desactivar los anuncios.

Realmente, Twitter ha tenido un buen comienzo, pero le falta mucho antes de llegar al punto en que se convierta en un verdadero reemplazo de Mastodon para la mayoría de los usuarios.


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.