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Just readed the first story line of Neil Gaiman's Teknophage (the Tekno Comics' comic). The editor folded a long time ago, so you can read it there:

The Phage is the most ruthless, evil, diabolic capitalist entrepreneur I have ever seen.

The story is the harshest critique of corporativism I have ever seen; even more than Gilliam's Brazil.


Cuando quienes viven en tierras donde la #EmergenciaClimática crea olas de calor mortales se quejan, o expresan miedo o enfado por tener que migrar...

Si tu respuesta es "tampoco es para tanto" -> es xenofobia climática.

Si es "aquí no vengas" -> es xenofobia climática.

Si es "que te jodan por haber nacido ahí" -> Es xenofobia climática.

El #CambioClimático lo hemos provocado todos, pero las consecuencias se sufren de manera desigual. Y la solidaridad es el único camino.

La mejor forma de hacer snorkel es a base de cellshading. Si lo haces a mano, te puede salir por un pico. La pala es opcional.

In Sandman (the comic) they give an excellent explanation for that. 

At the end of the story, it is revealed that Lucifer rebellion was was part of God's plan (but they didn't know). He needed somebody to run Hell. The idea is sinners feel a need to be punished, and they need it so badly, that not being punished is even worse than being in Hell. So the best thing you can do for them is throwing them in Hell, and put some "fallen" angels to punish them.

This is the best way possible to (maybe?) end this epic thread!

Here is the story of the Saskatchewan SpaceX debris fall, written by me, published by Scientific American:

Many of you got to see this story unfold in real-time toots, but this is the whole thing, plus some extra science context. Extra special thank you to @NicoleCRust and @laurahelmuth for encouraging me to pitch the story to SciAm! I am so excited to publish in a magazine I read all the time as a kid.

This is written up in a Wired article too: "As Skies Fill With Space Junk, Nonprofit Urges US to Pause StarLink Launches"

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Cómo molaría ser un mosso. Me han dicho que hoy han estado todo el día jugando a dónde está Wally. ¡Chupi!

Llega a tu quiosco VILLANO DE TEBEO. La revista de los que responden a la pregunta "Qué habría hecho Goebbels de existir las redes sociales".

La primera portada que hago en mi vida que no colgaré en Twitter (aunque la podéis compartir por allí si queréis).

"Given CrowdStrike’s financials — they made a net loss of $845m between 2018 to 2024 and took on $743m of debt during the same timeframe — it is quite possible a very public fight is going to emerge in courts around liability"

Yuck. If the company is so unprofitable, and they are forced to pay for all the damage caused by their mistake, can they survive? Who is going to lend them money next time?

Tener esclavos es ilegal y es políticamente incorrecto.

La gente que no tiene problemas legales importantes es, por tanto, muy difícil de esclavizar.

La mayoría de la gente no tiene problemas legales importantes, porque para eso, se supone, tienes que ser un pedazo te mierda. Hay excepciones, pero tienden a ser gente poco dócil.

Así que si quieres tener esclavos, necesitas que haya gente "ilegal", pero no puede ser gente que vota porque requeriría mucha "pedagogía política".

Así que convences a la gente de que todos los que vienen de fuera a trabajar son una banda de ladrones, violadores y asesinos, de tal forma que si quieren trabajar aquí no les quede otra que venir y estar aquí ilegalmente. Si no vienen ellos solos, siempre puedes decirles que vienen legalmente para un trabajo cojonudo, quitarles el pasaporte y chantajearles.

Una vez hecho esto, "contratas" a estos "ilegales" en negro y les haces trabajar y vivir en condiciones infrahumanas, sometidos a abusos físicos, psicológicos y hasta sexuales. Es un fino equilibrio: si te pasas, puedes tener problemas legales; si te quedas corto, pueden hacerte lo de Espartaco.

Por supuesto, parte de tus beneficios los reinviertes en organizaciones que nos defiendan de las hordas de inmigrantes ladrones, violadores y asesinos que nos invaden. Nunca hay suficientes esclavos.

No es nada personal. Es sólo cuestión de negocios.

14,000 Disneyland workers organized and won a 31% raise after threatening to strike.

It’s their biggest ever wage increase.

We are witnessing a historic rebirth of worker power, and I couldn't be happier to see it.

Take note: There's strength in a union.

Maduro: 61 años, 1'90m.
Musk: 53 años, 1'85m.

Juzgando por las fotos y la altura, pinta tiene de que Maduro pesa unos cuantos kilos más.

No sé que me pega que si Maduro le acepta el reto igual Musk acaba arrepintiéndose; sólo con echársele encima ya lo puede dejar plano...

I've been participating in the fediverse for about 8.5 years now, and have run as well as a growing number of other fediverse services for about 7.5 of those years. While I am generally not the target of harassment, as an instance administrator and moderator, I've had to deal with a very, very large amount of it. Most commonly that harassment is racism, but to be honest we get the full spectrum of bigotry here in different proportions at different times. I am writing this because I'm tired of watching the cycle repeat itself, I'm tired of watching good people get harassed, and I'm tired of the same trove of responses that inevitably follows. If you're just in it to be mad, I recommend chalking this up to "just another white guy's opinion" and move on to your next read.

The situation nearly always plays out like this:

A black person posts something that gets attention. The post and/or person's account clearly designates them as being black.

A horrific torrent of vile racist responses ensues.

The victim expresses frustration with the amount of harrassment they receive on Mastodon/the Fediverse, often pointing out that they never had such a problem on the big, toxic commercial social media platforms. There is usually a demand for Mastodon to "fix the racism problem".

A small army of "helpful" fedi-experts jumps in with replies to point out how Mastodon provides all the tools one needs to block bad actors.

Now, more exasperated, the victim exclaims that it's not their job to keep racists in check - this was (usually) cited as a central reason for joining the fediverse in the first place!

About this time, the sea lions show up in replies to the victim, accusing them of embracing the victim role, trying to cause racial drama, and so on. After all, these sea lions are just asking questions since they don't see anything of what the victim is complaining about anywhere on the fediverse.

Lots of well-meaning white folk usually turn up about this time to shout down the seal lions and encouraging people to believe the victim.

Then time passes... People forget... A few months later, the entire cycle repeats with a new victim.

Let me say that the fediverse has a both a bigotry problem that tracks with what exists in society at large as well as a troll problem. The trolls will manifest themselves as racist when the opportunity presents itself, anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-furry, and whatever else suits their fancy at the time. The trolls coordinate, cooperate, and feed off each other.

What has emerged, in my view, on the fediverse is a concentration of trolls onto a certain subset of instances. Most instances do not tolerate trolls, and with some notable exceptions, trolls don't even bother joining "normal" instances any longer. There is no central authority that can prevent trolls from spinning up fediverse software of their own servers using their own domains names and doing their thing on the fringes. On centralized social media, people can be ejected, suspended, banned, and unless they keep trying to make new accounts, that is the end of it.

The tools for preventing harassment on the fediverse are quite limited, and the specifics vary between type of software - for example, some software like Pleroma/Akkoma, lets administrators filter out certain words, while Mastodon, which is what the vast majority of the fediverse uses, allows both instance administrators and users to block accounts and block entire domains, along with some things in the middle like "muting" and "limiting". These are blunt instruments.

To some extent, the concentration of trolls works in the favor of instance administrators. We can block a few dozen/hundred domains and solve 98% of the problem. There have been some solutions implemented, such as block lists for "problematic" instances that people can use, however many times those block lists become polluted with the politics of the maintainers, or at least that is the perception among some administrators. Other administrators come into this with a view that people should be free to connect with whomever on the fediverse and delegate the responsibility for deciding who and who not to block to the user.

For many and many other reasons, we find ourselves with a very unevenly federated network of instances.

Wit this in mind, if we take a big step back and look at the cycle I of harassment described from above, it looks like this:

A black person joins an instance that does not block m/any of the troll instances.

That black person makes a post that gets some traction.

Trolls on some of the problematic instances see the post, since they are not blocked by the victim's instance, and begin sending extremely offensive and harassing replies. A horrific torrent of vile racist responses ensues.

The victim expresses frustration with the amount of harassment they receive on Mastodon/the Fediverse, often pointing out that they never had such a problem on the big, toxic commercial social media platforms. There is usually a demand for Mastodon to "fix the racism problem".

Cue the sea lions. The sea lions are almost never on the same instance as the victim. And they are almost always on an instance that blocks those troll instances I mentioned earlier. As a result, the sea lions do not see the harassment. All they see is what they perceive to be someone trying to stir up trouble.

...and so on.

A major factor in your experience on the fediverse has to do with the instance you sign up to. Despite what the folks on /r/mastodon will tell you, you won't get the same experience on every instance. Some instances are much better keeping the garden weeded than others. If a person signs up to an instance that is not proactive about blocking trolls, they will almost certainly be exposed to the wrath of trolls. Is that the Mastodon developers' fault for not figuring out a way to more effectively block trolls through their software? Is it the instance administrator's fault for not blocking troll instances/troll accounts? Is it the victim's fault for joining an instance that doesn't block troll instances/troll accounts?

I think the ambiguity here is why we continue to see the problem repeat itself over and over - there is no obvious owner nor solution to the problem. At every step, things are working as designed. The Mastodon software allows people to participate in a federated network and gives both administrators and users tools to control and moderate who they interact with. Administrators are empowered to run their instances as they see fit, with rules of their choosing. Users can join any instance they choose. We collectively shake our fists at the sky, tacitly blame the victim, and go about our days again.

It's quite maddening to watch it happen. The fediverse prides itself as a much more civilized social media experience, providing all manner of control to the user and instance administrators, yet here we are once again wrapping up the "shaking our fist at the sky and tacitly blaming the victim" stage in this most recent episode, having learned nothing and solved nothing.

It’s finally time to release my newest project:

This website provides a real-time lens into the cryptocurrency industry’s efforts to influence 2024 elections in the United States.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #elections #USpol #lobbying

Intel cada vez está dando más señales de alarma. Sus procesadores más recientes se cuelgan, y siguen despidiendo gente a mansalva. No parece la mejor forma de plantarle cara a Windows en ARM. O quizá es que ya dan la guerra por perdida.

No parece el mejor momento para comprar un PC.

No sé si los periodistas de otras tierras son conscientes de lo muy, pero que muy hasta los huevos que estamos los vascos de oír lindezas como "el concierto económico es insolidario", "el cuponazo", "lo hacen para quedarse con el dinero", etc.

Simplemente, todo eso ES MENTIRA. Aún es más, nunca ha sido verdad. Peor aún, la realidad es justo al revés.

Solo desde la ignorancia o el odio puede alguien afirmar semejantes necedades. Y ya vale.

Mandamos bastante más dinero al resto del estado del que recibimos, incluso descontando los servicios que nos aporta el estado. Siempre lo hemos hecho.

El motivo por el que tenemos el concierto es para poder combatir mejor el fraude, y administrar ese dinero mejor; lo demás son necedades.

Y os lo dice uno que ni siquiera es nacionalista.

Intel: Raptor Lake faults excessive voltage from microcode, fix coming in August

In what started last year as a handful of reports about instability with Intel's Raptor Lake desktop chips has, over the last several months, grown into a much larger saga. Facing their biggest client chip instability impediment in decades, Intel has been under increasing pressure


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.