Updated my resume. Any thoughts, feedback or info is always most welcome. Typos are inevitable when its this long....
@freemo That is a gorgeous formatting. Did you write it in LateX?
@worldsendless I try to do everything in latex yea. Thank you.
@freemo I was afraid you'd say that. I was hoping you'd say, "no, I used some proprietary software" and I wouldn't feel pressure to improve my LaTeX resumes (which haven't been updated in years)
I see you're playing mind games with it too: "Oh yeah, my totally gorgeous LaTeX based resume was made with my LaTeX skills that I only list as 'basic'. Please conclude my other 'advanced' skills are even more totally awesome, as I'm being humble about something I'm good at."
I'm on to you 😂
P.S. I'm gonna plug my resume template (based HEAVILY on Jean-luc Doumont's template) [here](https://github.com/johnabs/CV_Template/blob/master/cv_temp.pdf) for @worldsendless