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@rastinza I don't know about Fedilab, but in the web UI, you click on the three-dots menu and select “Hide boosts from X”.


@kingu_platypus_gidora I can’t tell whether she’s letting us know that she’s a Cioran fangirl, or that she’s disgusted by him.

@mangeurdenuage If it helps, they didn’t fuck up the painting, as it was covered in glass. But, still, it is one of the stupidest ways to protest that I can think of.

@podcastlinux @atareao Espero que sí, porque encima los vuestros son los únicos que conozco (y sigo) de entre los nominados. De los demás ni había oído hablar.

You now what? Now that I can quote-post, I won’t be replying to people as much. I never really wanted to respond to them, but to add to what they said.

That’s probably the same rationale that lead to the invention of prostitution. Or the Suicide Prevention Line.

I wish someone would invent an on-demand fren that I could talk to for 10 minutes and then turn off
josemanuel boosted

You cannot save our planet or anything even remotely good by attacking great cultural accomplishments!

And what kind of a newspaper would normalize such vandalism by publishing pathetic statements like "Bystanders in the National Gallery had mixed feelings about the action."? Really!? Mixed feelings?

Guardians of philistinism.

Just Stop Oil activists throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers :

@mattdm Secretly, deep in my heart, I have a undying hatred of Ben Stiller for a) not being funny at all, and b) convincing Winona Ryder and Janeane Garofalo to do that shit.

Seriously (I mean, not that my hatred of BS is any less serious), Reality Bites portrayed us exactly as MTV saw us, which was as sad, eternal teenagers who’d refuse to work at anything that wasn’t a grunge band or writing bohemian poetry.

At least that ‘movie’ served to prove that we are the only generation that could never be monetised, which is why now media and corporations act like we never existed.


@mattdm Do you even remember how Reality Bites was received at the time and how bad it was? All Gen Xers, myself included, hated it.


josemanuel boosted

RT @tariqkrim
RIP Kathleen Booth, who Invented the first assembly language.
She was 100 years old, and I have not seen anything in the news about it, unfortunately. With her husband, they formed the smallest computer group in the UK. Respect!

@vaartis Watch some fireworks. That did it for me just now. Here’s a video of even better fireworks than the ones that I watched:

The thing is, ‘liberalism’ has become a meaningless philosophy nowadays, because it’s absolutely void of any ideology deeper than “vote blue no matter who” (or its rest-of-the-world equivalents).

Some conservatives (those who equate ‘liberals’ with ‘leftists’ and who think that anything that deviates from tradition is ‘communism’) can be put in the same group, but most are just people who don’t know better and were led to believe some seriously sickening bullshit by those who want to take advantage of them. That’s why I think liberals are worse, because they should know better. They should be leading society to a better outcome, but they won’t, because they’re sellouts.

Edward Snowden [bot]  
It's alarming to see the term "liberal" has become a pejorative in multiple languages. "Conservative," too, has become a meaningless epithet. Peopl...

@lxsameer To be honest, I don’t think the world is advancing in science and technology either. Of all the technologies presented in Back to the Future 2, the only one that exists in reality is 3D ads in public spaces. And it was implemented several years late with respect to the movie’s timeline.

Who cares about that shit? In the end, they will award it to the one who wants to start a nuclear war instead of the one who’s in jail for exposing war crimes.

Wikileaks [bot]  
'Julian Assange and Volodymyr Zelensky are nominated for prestigious EU Freedom of Thought award - given for the first time in 1988 to Nelson Mande...
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