The real importance of mastodon is that unlike a centralised corporate like Facebook or Twitter there is no one organisation that controls what you see ( OR not see) ... but once the number of users go up, i wonder what algorithm will be used to determine what shows up on my timeline. Question is does each instance sets its own algorithm? That will be the key differentiator between mastodon and the others ..
@design_RG @yantrajaal
It's my understanding that the algorithm of each feed is not complex or ML driven at all, and all feeds are chronological; Rob G basically has the gist of it, with the home feed being your toots and everyone you follow, the local being your toots and everyone on your instance, but the federated feed is a bit trickier, in that I understand it's your toots, everyone you follow, and then everyone *they* follow. It can be inflated as well, if your instance uses a relay, which is what I do with my personal instance on