Beautifully written! :)
Oh so this why people use paper for code... I couldn't understand why because I just tried to run it... But now test phase takes 25mins so.... Yeah.... I will need to refactor
I already use Debian with bspwm. Also I personally dont like manjora... If arch based os... Then just plain arch ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
No emacs s too heavy, I use bspwm. Also full terminal (without GUI) tty is not always that responsive
Ye so nothing better than current state :p but still thanks ^•^
Like idk to what operating system I would switch to get more responsiveness
Hm autocorrent os->is
Idk to what is I should switch to get more responsiveness tbh xD and the battery would be 888czk + shipping
Its alright, just it takes some time to load "modern" apps. And my needs? Well... I do all sorts of things... Depends on what I am interested atm
Hej, já taky xD
Ahoj! A Vítej!
I have a bit technological question. Currently I own nodded lenovo g560 (i3-380m +4gb ram + ssd) but the battery is... Well 12 years old as the laptop (or something like that... I am sure its been over 10 years) is it worth it for me to buy a replacement battery or should I save up and buy some new laptop?
Keybase, the company that asks you to upload your private keys to their servers, has just been acquired by Zoom, an essentially Chinese company notorious for having terrible concepts on how encryption should be implemented.
Even if you gave Keybase the benefit of the doubt beforehand, this is corporate suicide at it's most graphic. Delete your Keybase keys. Close your account. Rotate everything that Keybase touched, be that password or cryptomaterial.
Keepassxc ^•^