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The Silicon Valley birth industry has companies that are doing some wacky computational eugenics for rich people. It's wilder than I could imagine but totally not surprising now that I know it exists.

Check out the latest TrueAnon podcast about it!

@vitriolix not yet but I have the application sent for the Waymo SF trial. A buddy is in the program and right now rides are free and can have 3 passengers. I'm ready for some excitement!

I've been waiting for this. The extreme cold is 10 times worse because of climate change. They are using the 'dancing jet stream' as the villian. I totally believe that (so the Dr. doesn't get blocked).
If we want to go into physics, you can look up on WikiP that the jet stream is passive to hot and cold zones. It's like a shadow, and cannot move air particles. It is just a continuous roll, like a thunderstorm, except there is a slight vector westward on the descending air. This can be 'sailed' by jet planes. Please don't think about physics, it keeps you up at night.

Oh to be young again, and believe I was really clever recommending technical cybersecurity solutions to the average human being.

2022 wrap up of SCIENCE IN SPACE. I'm fortunate enough to have someone on my team who had an astrophysics project go up on Artemis I.

I'm sad the SOPHIA flying telescope is grounded. Bye bye you wacky airplane.

@peterdrake YES! And super fun and easy to get immersed in the open world. Elden Ring is probably the best beginner one but also the most difficult to complete.

The best character in Avatar: The Way of Water is the shitlib marine biologist who sells out to a whaling ship captain to continue doing research.

Mary had a little Lambda
S3 its source of truth
And every time that Lambda ran
Her bill went through the roof

@b0rk getting a bunch on the corporate card for all my junior devs! Thanks for writing this.

It's December 21st, the winter solstice, and as fulfilment of my obligations as an astronomer under the Retrograde Mars Treaty of 1821, I must post a picture of an or the sun rising over a calendar circle to mark the .

The photo was taken in 1998-99 by Jack Fishburn at Bell Labs and is available under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license (

@MasterNinjaTS check out SpinLaunch (kinetic energy transfer) and Longshot (compressed air) too!

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