Which Communism are you talking about? The one where everybody shares everything or the one where there's a dictator making them share nothing?
The root error comes from the assumption people will cooperate with the principle willingly. Once you assume most people will exploit any system for personal gain when they can it becomes evident communism is not a workable system without a totalitarian government. Even then people will generally do the bare minimum so you get poverty.
Capitalism exploits the inherent selfishness of individuals for the greater good of society.
I wondered if that was the angle. It is an unfortunate but realistic view.
While not probable I still hold out that there is a possibility, however minuscule, that we can break that cycle.
Oh we absolutely can, but that is just capitalism with compassion at that point. It isnt communism if people do it willingly rather than a totalitarian government.
We have it in capitalism all the tine, its called a commune.
I had a long reply but I realized it was this..
John Lennon: Imagine
Right but what im sayi g is,john lenon was describing capitalism, a capitalism filled with altruistic people.
Altruistic Capitalism seems to be an oxymoron.. but I suppose that's the point. That it can't exist. That we are in fact doomed and destined to deal with the greed of humanity... Which is another unfortunate but realistic view.
@avlcharlie How is it a oxymoron. All capitalism is is any system which includes free market trade, that is, trade in which natural supply-demand pressures dominate the markets pricing.
Nothing about that implies greed or altruism, it only implies everyone is trying to maximize their own fitness function (get the most utility for their resources). Its about effiency not greed.
@freemo @avlcharlie well, unless people attempt to develop some level of sophistication, efficiency turns into greed, because thoughtless accumulation is the easiest thing to do. This is reinforced by a social environment where chronic accumulators are considered successful by chronically accumulating media.
@freemo @avlcharlie maximisers would invest for profitability and not for sustainability. Clearly this conversation is way too abstract and way too generalising, but rich people investing in cheap resources is a real problem in times of pressing change.
Optimising is by definition deprived of vision, ask effective altruists ;)
And of course the conversatio is abstract, it has to be,
You are making assertions about an abstraction (capitalism) that can not and does not exist in a concrete and pure form. So abstract conversation is the only one we can have.
@freemo @avlcharlie the problem is that environmental cost are not part of the final price. Instead they are internalised by those with weaker negotiation power.
- miners from poor countries pay with their lives to extract resources that unaccountable mine owners then can sell at competitive prices
- wildlife gets pushed away from investment-grade land
I can go on with Amazonian rainforest, Russian taiga, Australian Coral reefs, African rhinos, l Mediterranean fish, orangutans, polar bears,...
They are part of thr final cost when they are part of the utility of the investment. If they are part of the utility or not depends largely on the laws.
For example if there is a huge fine for enviromental damage then causing such damage has significantly decreased utility and as such the market will price itself to avoid enviromental damage.
@mapto I think what you're illustrating is NOT that the costs aren't included, but that you personally don't agree with the costs.
You want those people to place higher value on their resources than they do. Their valuation doesn't match your own, and you're insisting that you're right, wanting to impose your personal values on them.
Let's be clear about what you're doing here, including the way it has associations with colonialism.
The people in those poor countries need to be fixed in their valuation of their resources?
The issue is deeper than that. Utility is contextual. Utility means something different depending on the rules of the game AND the players. Capitalism only maximizes utility. Its all the other aspects of a government that ultimately have nothing to do with capitalism that define the rules of the game and ultimately define what has utility when playing within those rules.
The failing is what it always is when people talk about capitalism, its that thinknofnit as one big monolithic thing rather than just a single principle among thousands with nuanced interplay.
@volkris @freemo @avlcharlie I agree with your other comment.
My diagreement is not with the current calculation of the costs. I claim that any explicit calculation by default (due to the complexity of the real world) excludes some implicit aspect that optimisers then readily ignore.
Also, utility is not only contextual, but subjective. To someone a million dollars might be enough to secure a lifetime, to someone else it could be enough to buy a house, to a third person, it might mean buying some nice nice stuff to show off.
Also, utility is not only contextual, but subjective.
Half-true.. the utility of a single transaction is subjective. But you are maximizing for the aggregate utility, that is objective.
To someone a million dollars might be enough to secure a lifetime, to someone else it could be enough to buy a house, to a third person, it might mean buying some nice nice stuff to show off
That statement isnt describing utility.
On a re read i think i see now where you got it all wrong. You are assuming, incorrectly, that money and utility mean the same thing. They dont. Moneybis the resource, not the utility. Utility only exists when money is in motion. Utility is how much you can accomplish with the money, not the money itself.
Okay so I'm not so self-absorbed that I can't say I guess I was wrong and I misunderstood what capitalism was. This has been relatively enlightening.
My question then is what's the one where greedy people hoard up all of the money and resources, abuse the working class and create a system of poverty?
That woukd be an oligarchy. And any government can be an oligarchy, including a capitlist country.
Now that is a complicated question. But usually the main way its accomplished with what we call antitrust laws. When enforced (and the usa has enforced thrm but not as strongly as it should) they effectively make monopolies illegal.
Of course the other key is keeping corruption in check and money out of politics, which isnlikewise a difficult task to do, but critical to a healthy capitalism
@icedquinn @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris
I totally agree with you there. I woukd not describe the USA as an ideal capitalism, in part due to lack of enforcement on antitrust laws.
@icedquinn you’re misunderstanding how American antitrust functions, as you can see throughout court filings, legislative proceedings, legal behaviors, and on and on.
The problem with American antitrust is that, in part because it is so broad, it runs up against other legal principles of the US government. The history of US antitrust in one of trying to reconcile paradoxes in the law that make it really unwieldy.
We have a government that on one hand is fundamentally bound to respect private property, but on the other hand, is charged with imposing on that same property.
We don’t need any conspiracies from rich contractors to explain the issues with US antitrust law. The problem is with the US law itself being quite screwy, in its own right.
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris very interesting discussion. Just thought I'd like to point out that comparisons between Communism and capitalism are tricky because while capitalism is viewed primarily as an economic system (and democracy as a political system that everyone assumes underpins it), Communism is a political, philosophical and economic system.
The problem is that there have been no real life examples of "pure" Communism ever existing, except perhaps
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris very early social Russia under Lenin. All real life examples of Communism have had either authoritarian or totalitarian rule, often dictatorships.
The reason for this is that while Marx did define what Communism should have been, he (perhaps intentionally) never defined how it should have been run. With centralized and planned production, it should have been foreseen that a permanent centralized government should have been established to oversee
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris and manage these functions. However the Communist Manifesto was written in a time of revolution and unhappiness with the current leadership. Telling the proletariat that after the Bolsheviks were disposed of, a new centralized replacement would take over its function would've been just trading one evil for another (human greed and selfishness and all that) and that would not have compelled the people into revolution.
I would recommend that instead of solely
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris focusing on the Communist Manifesto alone, it would be better to take into consideration the entirety of Marx's works (Das Kapital and the very important but seldom mentioned 1844 Manuscripts) to form an understanding of how he envisioned the political system to function with Communism.
1844 was essentially the un-watered down version of the Manifesto meant for academics and not the Proletariat; it isn't filled with charged revolutionary language or ideas.
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris
Remember that Marx never viewed capitalism as evil, but a necessary step in achieving communist utopia.
@dashrandom @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris
No marx was right, capitalism and communism arent systems of governments, they are properties of a government. He didnt address those things because he wasnt creating a government he was defining a principle he felt governments should have.
Not all communist coubtries were totalitarian or dictatorships. Its just the ones that were elected in place by the people were always dismantled by those same people years later when everyone started starving. See bulgaria as an example of that.
@freemo capitalism isn't a property of a government.
It's not only entirely possible for it to exist outside of any government context, but it's bound to exist there, given human nature and interests.
Ita a property of governments. The fact that it is also a property of other things doesnt change that fact.
@freemo I wouldn't say it's a property of governments any more than having secretaries operate Windows PCs is.
If that's really what you consider a property of governments, then I don't see what the value of emphasizing that property is.
@avlcharlie @mapto it isn't. It's a property of the economy. I guess what @freemo may be alluding to is that government influences whether or not capitalism exists. It will definitely exist in a democratic system but may also exist in a totalitarian/authoritarian system (e.g. China).
@dashrandom @volkris @avlcharlie @mapto
Right. Simply put the laws either create a free market or prevents one.
@dashrandom but that’s simply not true
Capitalism will exist regardless of government. Government has no say over whether capitalism exists.
Capitalism is such a natural human institution that it has the same status as, say, language.
People will talk to each other regardless of what government thinks about it. Capitalism is such a fundamental element of life that we neither need government permission nor care what government thinks about it.
Humans do capitalism because capitalism is in our incentives. We don’t ask permission from government to do capitalism.
@volkris @dashrandom @avlcharlie @mapto Is is you who are saying things that are simply not true.
Capitalism will exist regardless of government. Government has no say over whether capitalism exists.
Capitalism, being a free market, may not exist if governments pass laws which force the market to be non-free. For example price fixing of goods by definition makes for a non-free market. As long as that is actually enforced, even if enforced poorly, you no longer have a free market, at best you will have a black market, which again by definition is not a free market (free as in freedom).
People will talk to each other regardless of what government thinks about it.
People talking to eachother isnt what makes a market free. Regardless, no, governments can and will stifle communication. Sure some will still happen but to say the government cant influence that is just plain wrong. Just look at North Korea the government very clearly has a large influence on what people say to eachother and how.
Humans do capitalism because capitalism is in our incentives. We donโt ask permission from government to do capitalism.
I do of course agree, that capitalism is more or less the default. We will do it automatically. But only when we can, governments can and do prevent it all the time.
@freemo you talk about governments passing laws, and that’s exactly it: governments are extremely limited in what they can do in reality. Yeah they can pass laws all day long, and they can devote more and more resources into trying to execute those laws, and yet governments cannot in reality perfectly implement law.
A government can outlaw anything, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to stop.
How’s that war on drugs going?
And so capitalism will remain no matter what government thinks of it, just like drug use.
Government can try to suppress it if it wants, but capitalism is so natural, so tied into the human experience, it will exist regardless of what a government official signs into law.
And really that emphasizes my point. That a government might choose to oppose and crack down on capitalism just highlights that capitalism exists outside of government. For government to have to oppose it means that it must exist without government in the first place, separate from government.
Just like drug use ๐
Yea governments can perfectly execute a law… so what? Their execution doesnt need to be perfect for the market to be nonfree. In fact any degree of influence woukd make a market that is to some extent nonfree.
Communism, like capitalism, is often abused as a word. On its own it has nothing to do with marx. It simply means any system where the means and distribution of production are controlled by the government, and socialism is where onky the means of production is owned.
Marx just had a very specific view of a system of government which he felt included communism with other supporting principles to make it work. Its more appropriate to call his system marxism
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris I beg to differ. Marxism is a philosophy (with his species-being and alienation concepts), Communism is an ideology that the workers are exploited by those who control the means of production, and thus the only way to stop being exploited is to seize the means of production.
@dashrandom @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris
How is a philosophy and an ideology even different. No clue how your arguing that marxism is not a more specific form of communism.
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris my response was to your statement that Communism has nothing to do with Marx. Marx was the founder of Communism, it kind of implies it when he wrote the Communist Manifesto. Saying communism has nothing to do with Marx is like saying Higgs has nothing to do with the Higgs-Boson. Marxism is a way of thinking, Communism is a way of looking at the world and living life. You can be Marxist, but not Communist. You however, cannot be Communist but not Marxist.
@dashrandom @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris
Communism was first enacted by the Jews in ancient israel thousands of years before marx was even a sperm.
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris I tried a quick Google search to confirm what you've said but I've been unable to find any articles about Jewish Communism in ancient Israel. Wikipedia seems to indicate that Israel and it's surrounding area has always been a monarchy which would imply the non-existence of Communism. Could you provide me some articles or books to read up about this?
@dashrandom @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris How would a monarchy imply the nonexistance of communism? It does not.
I just looked at wikipedia, here is a quote:
Biblical scholars have argued that the mode of production seen in early Hebrew society was a communitarian domestic one that was akin to primitive communism.[26][27]
@freemo @avlcharlie @mapto @volkris could you link the article please? Would appreciate it.
My question then is what’s the one where greedy people hoard up all of the money and resources
I just want to point out how unrealistic this is in today’s world, despite how frequently it’s mythologized and theorized and used to promote political interests.
For someone to hoard up all of the money and resources is for that person to voluntarily accept a lower standard of living for themself, to act against their own interests, quite irrationally.
It’s to say, Sure I could buy these things and contract for that service, which would make my life better, but nah, I’ll just warehouse away my wealth instead of actually using it to make my own life better.
Modern society has built plenty of mechanisms to avoid getting stuck in such opportunity costs to the wealthy.
Scrooge McDuck and his swimming in his money vault was not a real option.
@avlcharlie please provide examples. @freemo @mapto
This is exactly my point!
Notice how he spent? Instead of hoarded?
Bezos could have hoarded that money, but then he’d have lost out on the benefits of buying this property, which is exactly how our society gives very enticing alternatives to hoarding.
Bezos will never fill his moneypit because he has so much benefit in actually spending the money instead.
@volkris @freemo @mapto
If you can't find the ridiculousness in 600 million being spent for a house then we have a difference in opinion of what is ridiculous money.
The example isn't even about the house it's that he could do this and not even notice it.
Personally in the big picture for me it's this.. you focus your society on people or you focus your society on things/money. We've decided to do the latter and screw the other one.
What does rediculousness matter? Its not like burn gets consumed when you buy something rediculous (what we call a luxury formally). It just moves the money aroubd, usually no harm done.
No it doesnt, because a person using wealth thry creat and thryo destroy a portion doesnt effect anything because if thry couldnt own the money thry never woukd have made the wealth in the first place.
No, but i have run quiye a few companies and even helped bring one public. So i do deal in a lot of this stuff. I also have written a few economic equations used in models, so i have some formal training in economics too
@avlcharlie ridiculousness is certainly subjective
Who’s talking about ridiculousness? We’re talking about the lack of hoarding, so if he is spending ridiculously instead of hoarding, then he’s still not hoarding, which is the point.
You think it’s ridiculous that he’s not hoarding, well, sounds like that’s something you need to work out in your own head.
I would say that it’s a good thing such a ridiculous person just gave up a bunch of his money. Good thing that money is no longer sitting in the bank account of a ridiculous person.
So this is a sign that rich people don’t hoard their money. You seem to think that this is a particularly ridiculous rich person, so even better that he’s not hoarding his money.
@mapto but it is because utility is subjective that your complaints about costs not being included are on shaky ground.
It’s likely enough that the thing you personally consider important is being left out of the equation because others don’t consider it important.
So it is a disagreement with the calculation of costs.
Who said anything about sustainability. We said utility, that may or may not line up with sustainability. They will pick sustai able when it has the most utility.
Similarly thry dont buy cheap if cheap is less utility. Somethi g at half the price that breaks in 1/10th the time is a bad investment, so no thry dont just go with what is cheapest. Rich people dont invest in cheap resource they invest in what gets them the most utility, which is what prfitability is.
Optimising has vision, for the thing you are optimising for.