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#Christian leaders, and people in general, use to say that #Jesus Christ forgave all #sins and sinners.
That is not true.
There's a sin, and a kind of #sinners which/who Jesus did not forgive, and on the contrary cursed: the #hypocrites (whom at the time were called pharisees, and were erased by the Romans 70 years later).

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In 2017, astronomers detected the gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars for the first time: a kilonova. Enormous amounts of heavy metals were detected in the light from the explosion, and astronomers continued to watch the expanding debris cloud. Researchers have created a new simulation that recreates the merger, second by second, as it happened, giving insights into all the high-energy mayhem and heavy elements formation in the catastrophic event.

#kilonova #astronomy #GravitationalWaves #space

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All Objects in Universe in One Pedagogical Plot

"All objects and some questions"
Am. J. Phys. 91, 819–825 (2023)

#physics #astrophysics #cosmology #visualization

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Margaret Bourke-White preparing her shot of NYC from the Chrysler Building gargoyle, 1935

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When a high energy #cosmic ray collides with the #Earth's #atmosphere, it generates an enormous number of particles known as an extensive air shower.
#Astronomy #SpaceScience #sflorg

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The main message of this book is that this [bringing together quantum theory with general relativity] requires embracing the ideas that time is real and laws evolve.
—Lee Smolin, Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe
#physics #book

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If you're a published author and you haven't given permission for your book to be fed into Meta's AI training system, please check the database in this article. If your work is there, you may want to join in on the lawsuit. This corpus has (pirated) 183,000 titles.

#AI #Bookstodon #Books #Meta #Authors

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2 openings for assistant professor and associate professor in the Psychological and Brain Sciences department where I’m currently at at Dartmouth College, USA, in Systems/Behavioral Neuroscience:

Please share to find me great future colleagues :)

“For a complete description of the Assistant Professor position, see
For a complete description of the Associate Professor position, see
Review of applications will begin October 15, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.”
#NeuroJobs #Neuroscience #Neuroscientist

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The pamphlet lists this as one of the bad signs, but I'm telling you -- same room rocks for sharing plans without interruption in a room full of kids

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Yearly Croissant harvest in France :blobcatgiggle:

(No this is not real)

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When will AI become sentient?

(please boost)

is really a curse.

It keeps , no matter how much effort you put on it.

Then I decided to create an archive for "all the things I will never be able to do."

Well, guess what... That's more work.

So, I decided to quit and keep doing as usual - meaning, indefinitely some things *I should do*.

But I'm really about how you're dealing with this. 😅

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New 📄: Rights for Those Who Unwillingly, Unknowingly and Unidentifiably Compute!

People's devices are silently co-opted for collective computation which promises data confidentiality. But what happens when ppl don't agree with the computation's ends? 🧵

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