
Hello, all. I've been around for a few days but haven't yet made an post. So here we go.

I'm a consultant with [The Bioinformatics CRO]( working on a variety of small and large projects ranging from fundamental genomics to clinical decision support. Before that, for several years I was a postdoc and ORISE fellow specializing in high-altitude medicine and physiology at the University of Colorado Altitude Research Center. My academic background is a nearly even mix of , machine learning, and biology.

The ARC* has been sadly moribund for a few years, but thanks to collaborations with other groups, we're [starting to get more active again]( Hopefully I will have more to say about that in the future. Meanwhile, feel free to ask me anything about medicine---I think I still remember most of it.

Years before _that_, I was an Air Force (after a brief stint as an Army infantryman) followed by a couple of years as a civilian EMT. My time in patient care informs my approach to science: the numbers I crunch represent human lives.

Otherwise, I'm an armchair hoping to be able to call myself an _amateur_ paleontologist again one of these days---by which I mean actually spending some time in the field and/or the prep lab---a too-occasional science fiction writer, and chronically sleep deprived. Also, my life is the internet: it's cats all the way down.

*Fellow fans may recognize the jacket in the picture. My wonderful fiancée found it for me when I was hired at the ARC, for exactly the reason you think.

@medigoth I just joined this server a day or two ago. I thought it was supposed to be about STEM but your is one of the few posts I've seen on such topics last day or two. I'm a person too.

@clementkent, it seems to be practically a law of nature that any special-purpose internet forum will inevitably get more general. You can have a site for talking about bioinformatics, literary criticism, local traffic reports, Ukrainian arms shipments ... whatever, and pretty soon everyone will be talking about their hobbies and posting pictures of their cats.

To be clear, I'm not really bothered by this. But I will try to talk about my work as well as nattering about whatever floats into my head. 🙂

@medigoth "Meanwhile, feel free to ask me anything about #altitude medicine"
Okay, Doc, is it true that you can get higher on the wacky tobacky, the higher you climb a mountain?

@Marquestor Okay, you've found an altitude medicine question I can't definitively answer! But I'll answer anyway, because of course I will. :blobwink:

My strong feeling is that yes, you can, based on the fact that you *definitely* get drunk faster on less alcohol when you're up a mountain. Hypoxia is a mind-altering drug in itself, and other such drugs amplify the effect. So while there's no way to know for sure, that's the way I'd bet.

@medigoth Welcome --> My Uncle was an Air Force Medic --> Cheers

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