@freemo @sozialwelten jujaja! Very good coña! Biden sound a little bit as bidet that it is just what he would like to be... But, in the oval bathroom!
It has to be very frustrating to have to choose betwen the bad and the worst one. In Spanish, some people say Guatemala y Guatepeor. Here we had had to choose the same way but in the end it tourned out that Pedro Sánchez has the balls of steel! He stopped Spain in march and it was very helpfull for stopping the wild spread of the disease but i thing that the most of possible politicians would do the same. The difference would be when would that person make it decission, and that is the point.
Why don't you vote to another candidate? Can't you do that? There aren't more choices?
@freemo it is dificult to take this when you only have your to two hands, your shoes (you are proud of it), and an average school grade culture.
I always am trying to inculque the diference betwen value and cost, and it is very frustrating to hear always people using value instead cost... They thing they have things that have a certain value when they only have a piece of ancient cost, i mean, nothing, or some thing near nothing until they don't put into value whatever they think have...
Ahora en serio, que queda más que el turismo, y quizás, el entretenimiento como industria en el mundo "desarrollado".
Sí, puede que necesitemos ladrillo pero sólo es para segundas viviendas de gente con muchos ahorros y también para especulación por que no hay dios que compre un piso entre los obreros y newcomers...
Ah! Me olvidaba del coche. A ese que le den por ahí que sale más barato alquilar un coche con conductor o alquilar un piso cerca del trabajo.
Y también olvidaba el móvil que se cambia cada 6 meses.
Cervezas, vino, bares y restaurantes, de todo esto va quedando menos pero nunca nos lo quitaremos.
@freemo literally!
@freemo jujajajaja!!! Que bueno! Poor toby! I wish i known what the dog was thinking about the marine monster!
@freemo In spanish "Te acompaño en el sentimiento". I do not know how do you say that but i hope your uncle will rest in peace. It is terrible! I wish there wasn't this plague! People diying everywhere, we all diying everyday due to the pain and fear of ilness. People loosing loved ones.
Take care of you and of the rest, be smart and protect your self and the surrounding ones. Only this way we will overcome this nightmare.
Look what i found while i was strolling about the down town: i think i heared something about this chemical here... Pherhaps someone else here is triying to reproduce @freemo 's experinents, but in industrial scale.
@freemo prety good but your rubric seems quite big. Don't wanna say that you are not a big one 😜 but for me it is better slightly smaller.
The impression you make in your possibles custmer it is very important, it is very good that you care for this stuff.
I wish you succces with this letter made with Latex.
@freemo mmm! Such a nasty thing! It reminds me a rocket fuel component... Errr, asimetric dimethil-hidrazine. It destroys lung tisue literally, has neurotoxic effects and perhaps carcinogenic effects.
A beautiful molecule to dealing with!
@freemo a appears printed on the boronxxxxxxate can's label! Please, be carefull!
@freemo in order to know if it has psicoactive effect on humans, in the name of science, and with a note book or a casette recorder in your hands, will you try that product in your own? How do you think you have to take it and how do you know what posilogy do you need to have a desidarable psicoactive effect? Are you going to extrapolate the dosis from the natural plants resine concentration? Do you know if this product is more active than the natural produced one?
@design_RG no diet for us today!😜
Siempre he creído que, en general, la gente era buena y que yo también lo era...
Ahora me conformo con comer bien, beber bien y hacer cositas para entretenerme...