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I used it on a zstd compressed filesystem and the results were above my expectations.

After installation, it had to read the entire disk, and it is slow. But the incremental update phase is unnoticeable.


@scott yes, I confirm. I use something like this

services.beesd.filesystems = {
root = {
spec = "LABEL=nixos";
hashTableSizeMB = 512;
verbosity = "crit";
extraOptions = [ "--loadavg-target" "2.0" ];

and it saves a lot of space, without affecting CPU and RAM performances because it is a fast, incremental, off-line deduplication.



This poll does not make sense. Fossil is the only rational choice for haters, because: case A) if you are an hater against the cancel culture, you had to vote for Fossil, because no commit can be cancelled from it; case B) if you are a woke who likes starting hating campaign, you need a RCS like Fossil were history cannot be rewritten, so you have the luxury to blame trunk for a bug fixed ten years ago;

@rml @surabax @amszmidt @screwtape @lispi314

@rml ehm... "sadly" in the sense that Plan9 is not mainstream, not that Emacs is a real technology! ๐Ÿ™‚

@rml The link is catching, and fun to read, but in the end one should compare Emacs against Plan9, for judging the real difference between the two paradigms.

Plan9 supports a real Unix-philosohpy, and in fact one can express complex workflows in it, with minimal effort. It is all composable.

But sadly, Emacs and Unix (Linux, FreeBSD and so on) are two real technologies, while Plan9 (and forks) are far from being mainstream.


her: "For living... I'm an hooker"

freemo: "What a coincidence: I'm an hacker!"

her: "Do you condemn this type of business?"

freemo: "What!? Every admin knows that starting with a shared service is cheaper because it requires less upfront costs, respect paying for a dedicated girlfriend, or worse, housing a wife. You are following a respectful business model."

her: "But, I mean... sometime I have customers asking for hardcore tasks, outside the initial agreement"

freemo: "Don't tell me!"


@freemo, again: another stupid question! The scope is having better days, starting from today. So follow the advice: listen to both; believe to both; avoid discussions; act as usual, they will not notice! ๐Ÿ™‚



yes, I partially agree, but chess is a rather logical and systematic game, so I expect that there are more boys interested to it, respect girls, for the reasons explained in the documentary.

For being a top-level player, you had to study a lot of time, in a very focused way. Usually there are more men that women loving to do one single thing to a maniac and extreme level. In another documentary, they show that the mean man and woman have the same IQ, but, there are more dumb man, and more genius man respect dumb and genius women. The nature experiments more with men, respect women.

I'm not saying that women are less intelligent than men, or that there cannot be a women playing chess like a top 10 man player. I'm only saying that it is more likely a chess player is a male, and that the top 10 player is a man.

I don't know if this is enough for creating distinct sex categories in chess, but there is for sure a statistical measurable difference.

@zappes @futurebird


this documentary shows that there are differences between the mind of a male and a woman. So there can be a different attitude toward chess.

Only for "introducing an information". I have no clear answer about how to make distinctions in sports between different genders.



My anecdotal experience is: X is more stable/mature than Wayland; NixOS on the desktop is rather stable, but not always perfect; year after year NixOS stability is improving; the most stable distro I tried is OpenSUSE Leap; OpenSUSE Tumbleweed has occasionally problems, like NixOS; in NixOS and in SUSE it is easy to revert to past configurations, so problems can be reduced, but probably affecting security.

Up to date I'm using NixOS, because it is very easy to configure.

@char @tuxom Italy is the same. Also on online media, there is no coverage of these facts.

@trinsec @freemo "Social Justice Stairway to Heaven"

@trinsec I agree! Equality of outcomes, and not only of possibilities. These are the ultimate Social Justice Warriors Staircase to Equality!


@freemo @trinsec you are not able to capture the rationale of the law. Before, the stairs were difficult to use for people using wheelchairs, now, in the name of equality, also people without disabilities are in danger. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


I contributed something me too, but very simple things. NixOS is the only distro where I was able to contribute back.



ah, I'm happy you answered according personal experience! I feared it was more wishful thinking, than personal experience ๐Ÿ™‚

I have too much hobbies/IT-interests, and so it is more easy for me seeing non optimal support of some environments.

But I still use it, because after you configure it, it is incredible manageable, and I like it very much.

And it is improving.


eh, ideally yes, but I believe that nowadays too much tools have some form of built-in package-managing i.e. emacs packages, vscode plugins, Firefox extensions, etc...

Every tool has its rules, and sometime they are in potential conflict with the NixOS way.

Hopefully in future, there will be a common interfaces/API for controlling the packages of different environments, and then NixOS will interact also with these.

Without some help, I think that the NixOS-way can never reach the perfection, because it is hard (sometime) to imitate perfectly some complex environment.


@codinghorror in 1989 he said

> These days you see more men and women suing each other. It's a very insidious thing.

Nowadays, instead, you see more women suing other men for facts happened in the 1989. ๐Ÿ˜•

Frrrr.... fru fruuu @freemo, I'm tootalking to you ๐Ÿ™‚

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