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Law doesn't work in potentials. Where is your proof, Attorneys General?

It'd've cost taxpayers a lot less if complied with NARA's request for the documents back.

So looking forward to the George Clooney produced documentary of this scandal
Time to expose #GymJordan once & for all as a sexual abuse enabler, coward & traitor!


Awww. Ron DeSaster is crying that his laws keep getting blocked because he doesn't have the basic understanding of how the U.S. Constitution works.. Kinda makes you think, this man wants to be POTUS?

Elon logic:

Calling someone who is cisgender, cisgender, is a slur.

Calling people who are Democrat and most certainly not pedophiles, pedophiles, that's perfectly okay and not a slur.


What do George H.W. Bush and Donald J. Trump have in common?

They are both one term losers that lost their incumbent reelection.

America's rejects.

Memorial Day Tribute 

On this Memorial Day, I remember SSG James Hunter, a military journalist that encountered an IED while augmenting a foot patrol, the first military journalist who died in the line of duty since the Vietnam War.

@whalecoiner you know what's cool? We're watching it in years of its past. It may have exploded a long time before any of us were born, and we're currently none the wiser.

It's important to know that a lot of the book ban horseshit going on right now is being driven by a vanishingly tiny number of people: *Eleven* people filed 60% of the 1000+ challenges the Washington Post reviewed.

Gift link:

Elon’s new Twitter Autopilot drives Ron DeSantis presidential campaign announcement into nearest tree.

Happy Towel Day to all you hoopy froods in the Fediverse!

Have a cuppa tea to celebrate the brilliance that was Douglas Adams.

@itnewsbot of course, because you save on so much. No transportation costs, expensive lunches, and even if your commute is only 10 minutes each way you get over an hour and a half extra free time each week.

@adwright I remember watching the pilot of it when I was in high school, it was essentially the same thing as the first episode. JMS is supposedly working on a reboot of it soon.

Today was the 30th anniversary of the first episode of Babylon 5, the genre-reshaping series blending politics and religion in one 5 year long story arc, mostly written by one person.

It was crazy hard watching this show - it was syndicated, popped up and disappeared for months at a time and was like nothing before it for the world-building and strong storyline.

Impeccably cast, hands down the finest low budget SF series ever made. Powerful stuff.


@mreldrich the only algorithm here on Mastodon is time... I love reading my feed in chronological order. Especially when Elmo took over, I'm seeing way more of "this is what some right-wing nutjob tweeted, and you're seeing it because your follower follows them." If I wanted to see that right-wing bullshit I would follow them myself. I've been doing a heckuva lot more blocking over there lately.

@Cosmo this is a test because I can see vmst from qoto, but not the other way around.

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