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In 2020:
I ditched Facebook and really didn't feel the desire to replace it.

In 2023:
- I ditched Twitter for Mastodon/Threads/BlueSky.
- I ditched reddit for lemmee

I only keep my old accounts open to prevent impersonation scam, and not much else.

I regret nothing.

Just remember that even if you were just a drop in the ocean.

You are still the ocean.

Let's hope the pattern continues 🤗

““The GOP winner of the Iowa Caucus shouldn’t get too excited. The last four winners failed to win the general election.”

#iowacaucus #trump #dictator #fascism #vote #voteblue #voteblue2024 #elections
#Cartoon by #GaryVarvel for #Counterpoint


🤔 Then why did she find it necessary to change her name to Nikki?

What was the chief reason the Confederate states left the Union, and before you answer it was states rights - states rights specifically to do WHAT?


“Big Win”

Let's put the #IowaCaucuses in perspective.

-2,083,000 registered voters in Iowa
-718,000 registered Republicans
-102,000 voted
-53,219 voted for Trump
-7.4% of possible GOP votes went to Trump

Although its disappointing that 53K Iowans voted for him, I wouldn't use this as a statement about the general election.

#democracy #Election2024 #VoteBlue #lawfedi

Today Alice Paul would be 138. The Equal Rights Amendment, which she wrote more than 100 years ago now, remains merely a *proposed* amendment.


100 years.


#lawfedi @law

It’s annoying that Facebook Marketplace and Groups make you use your real name and profile. I don’t need to make a real human connection with the person I buy a used desk from, and I don’t need Facebook overseeing all my interactions across all facets of life. Can we get back to anon usernames?

Nikki Haley:

-Said Florida’s Don’t Say Gay bill “doesn’t go far enough”

-Would sign a federal abortion ban

-Pledged not to "expand Medicaid ever”

-Proudly called herself a “union-buster”

Don't let anyone fool you into thinking she’s some moderate alternative to Trump.

? Has the audience but staying on financially supports anti-semitism of the owner who admits he loves trolling liberals, and is the only place on major social medias that "cisgender" is considered a slur.

? Zuck has long supported keeping hateful and misleading right-wing propaganda on their networks.. and you'll be blocking mass amounts of porn accounts adding you as follows for spam.

Yeah, is more of a no brainer.

I wish more people would have accepted Mastodon than Threads as the alternate to go to after Twitter. Mastodon is better.. I guess they'll come here after Zuck turns that into an ad infested hellhole like Facebook, too.

Dear religious people,

Please allow regular people to live unimpeded by your bullshit.

Thank you,

I’ve finished reading the #FultonCounty #indictment, first time through. I’ll need to read it again to fully absorb it, but it is a crucial historical and legal document. Because #FaniWillis charged under #Georgia #RICO statute, the indictment fully captures how extensive and coordinated were the efforts of #Trump, #Giuliani, #Eastman, #Meadows and the rest. All the acts described in the RICO count have been reported, even been synthesized by journalists. But the discipline …1/2 #LawFedi


Remember when said if they didn't fight like hell on January 6th, they wouldn't have a country anymore?

We're still standing, fuckers.

Trump’s attorney is on the morning talk shows floating various defenses—including that his requests were not criminal but “aspirational.”

So when a person says “I’d like you to kill my spouse” it isn’t soliciting murder, it’s simply an aspirational request.


#politics #USpolitics #USpol #Indictment #law #lawfedi #lawyer #democracy

If I haven't seen the first two indictments will I understand the third one

Four more indictments!
Four more indictments!
Four more indictments!
Four more indictments!

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