Problem of the day? I've been working on understanding the solution ( to a large question ( for the last hour or so, and I'm completely stuck at this point.
Might be fun for someone else to try out.
@Surasanji If it makes you feel any better, a good percentage of them are probably just trolling. Ex. There was this dude who wanted to build his own rocket, and managed to finance it by (presumably pretending) to be a flat earther.
@freemo Meanwhile... I carry around a black Pilot G2. It writes okay I guess.
My Incorrect Attempt
My solution assumes a constant mass so it's incorrect... How are you actually supposed to do this?
Find the acceleration, turns out to be a constant.
height = 0.5(a - g)t^2
1N = 0.001kg * a
(1N)z = (0.001kg)z * a
a = 1000m/s^2 regardless of fuel
So how long do we need to maintain that accel to get to 1km?
1000 = 0.5(1000-9.81)t^2
t = 1.42120173762 sec (almost sqrt2)
g = .023686696g of fuel
Doesn't seem right because by that logic I can set the fuel consumption to anything and have the same acceleration.