Now all mastodon urls in my #Emacs open with #MastdonEl by re-purposing my-mastodon-open-url function and the regex to match mastodon-like urls from the config of @sachac!
Here's the code:
(add-to-list 'browse-url-handlers '("https?://[^/]+/@[^/]+/.*" . 'my-mastodon-open-at-point))
(defun my-mastodon-open-at-point ()
"Open the URL at point, or prompt if a URL is not found."
(mastodon-url-lookup (or (thing-at-point 'url) (read-string "URL: "))))
#emacs tip: To read popular tags you can subscribe to https://Instance/tags/Tagname.rss via #rss2email, then use #gnus scoring system to avoid unnecessary flaming noise.
@zoesqwilliams welcome to the world of cultured shitposting, or something, I guess.
@inqbrc чотам
@narveya Being forced to read renders designed for paper on a device with appropriately huge screen is just never ending sadness.
Just uploaded 2178 new instances to Usually it's just 500, most of which are due to a bug I haven't took the time to track down yet. 2k nodes represents 20% increase over the total number of nodes we had last week. It's awesome to see #Fediverse scaling so rapidly!
@dosnostalgic I threw away file managers when I switched to #zsh about a decade ago. Last ones of two pane kind I user I think were #vifm and sunrise commander (emacs package based around dired).
@mczapla Just add `` to your nickname to verify yourself.
@nm0i Also you can join tox or pizdezh //
A new era of messaging.
@L29Ah Sorry, didn't hear you, my cochlear implant was off. Could you repeat that?
I started my capsule on Gemini Protocol!
(http link for regular browsers)
I started migrating most of my websites and important articles. FLOPPINUX resources are already there. I've also added cooking, FPV and all the personal information.
Well, that is a thing. Whyyy... #vk #vkontakte #openvk #fediverse
@L29Ah emerge wmii, rather.
@strizhechenko @rf питоносвязка rss2emal+morss. Понимаю, что хочется гуй, но пусть будет такой ответ.