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Live action Wallace & Gromit.
This is an example of living paycheck to paycheck

everyone snarks about how Drogon is a dragon named Drogon, except that Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion are actually WYVERNSโ€”they're quadrupeds, not hexapods, a distinction even a casual student of draconology could tell you so ha ha ha who's lame now,

This is NOT what America is about. America is about *opens history book*

uh oh

*Frantically starts flipping though pages*

uh oh. oh no. no no no. uh oh

On a Mac, there are four smart quotes you might want to type: โ€˜ โ€™ โ€œ โ€. You hold down option (excuse me, โ€œโŒฅโ€), maybe hold down shift, and press [ or ]. You'd think [ vs ] would control left vs right and shift would control โ€˜ vs โ€œ, wouldn't you?

Yes, you would think that.

Aha! It was a UI problem: unlike phone nav systems, you have to specify a state and it defaults to the last search rather than where you are. It was searching in Washington.

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Ever since the software update, the navigation system can never find new addresses, rendering the huge tablet-sized screen pretty much useless.

The 2019 Oregon State Go Championship will be September 21-22 at the majestic I'm playing, not running it, but contact me if you need information on registration. Space is limited!

Sinister Clutches is the name of my line of left-handed handbags.

What made Mork's home planet so advanced?


Why can't House Democrats see that impeaching Trump, whether or not it leads to his conviction and removal in the Senate, gives tens of millions of Americans hope that truth, decency, integrity, rule of law, and democracy still mean something?

RT if this is where you're at, too.

NBC News: The universe may be a billion years younger than we thought. Scientists are scrambling to figure out why..


Heather wonders why there are ropes to keep people away from the fake artifacts in this miniature room.

Me: We'll know we've hit rock bottom when they announce a live action Steamboat Willie.

Her: Who would star in it?

Me: What's the stupidest possible answer to that question?

Her: Chris Hemsworth.

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