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@itamarst I had the same impression when I read those. They seemed very influential, had decent world-building, but they were a bit boring.

@astrojuanlu If you wanted to explicitly distinguish the second one would you say, "en polvo" or something of that nature? Or would you just more elaborately describe the size of the grains?

Still not sure if I know what constitutes "queso rallado" and whether there is a word for "grated cheese", and now I'm starting to question whether for some people there is an overlap between "grated" and "shredded" cheese in English.

My teacher was like, "rallado is the one you do with parmesan" and then showed a picture like the first one, which, to be fair, also looks like some of the GIS results for "grated cheese", whereas when I think of grated cheese I think of something much finer, like the second one.

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Major takeaways from today's Spanish conversation lesson:

1. There are a *lot* of words to describe cheese and various types of cheese.
2. I know very few of them in Spanish.

whenever there’s an update to tzdata I marvel what crime against time and nature has been committed this time

I just bought some e-readers for my niece and nephew, and I'd like to get them started by loading them with some high quality books. Anyone have recommendations for engaging books for teens/preteens?

Nephew is 14 and he's really into tech. I think he mostly wants the e-reader because it's an e-ink screen that he can hack on, so that archetype should be easy for the kind of crowd that follows me. He was also asking a lot of questions about physics when I was there, so high quality explainers for stuff like relativity and quantum mechanics aimed at a young teen level would probably be good.

Niece is 12 and insists that she will not use the e-reader. My wife thinks that she will like anything that says boys are stupid (this makes her sound vapid, but she is quite sharp). Tougher nut to crack, obviously.

Fiction and non-fiction recommendations are fine.

Periodic reminder that NIST does not approve of expiring passwords.

> Verifiers SHOULD NOT require memorized secrets to be changed arbitrarily (e.g., periodically). However, verifiers SHALL force a change if there is evidence of compromise of the authenticator.

Minor complication from blood donation 

@adamchainz Immediately after it happened, it felt tight and swollen, like when you have a twisted ankle (without the pain from the soft tissue damage, obviously). I couldn't really bend it or straighten it all the way out for a few hours, and it is still pretty stiff.

Now it is a lot better but not all the way. The needle site is still sore and it looks *horrible*, but it looks worse than it is.

Minor complication from blood donation 

@Nekokawaigari Thanks, they said it is pretty common and the water will eventually get absorbed into the rest of my body.

Minor complication from blood donation 

Did double red cell donation today; normally this is a very nice experience because you get some saline infusions to rehydrate you, but apparently today I accidentally got a little hole in my vein and all the saline just went into the space around my veins and muscles and such.

So now one of my arms is all inflated like a water balloon 😅 I will spare you the picture, but it looks like a lumpy potato 🥔😛

@poleguy Doesn't look like there is any Braille on the sign.

To be fair I do think these signs are primarily there to communicate that the button doesn't affect the timing of the signal.

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I don't know how long I've seen these signs before realizing the fundamental mismatch between the medium and the intended audience here...

@kevin Yeah I dunno who these people are who think you can get from one place to another in less than 15 minutes. If you told me I could prevent nuclear apocalypse by getting from my house to the closest grocery store in less than 15 minutes I would probably just start calling my loved ones to say goodbye.

@jimray Sure, but the allergy came on suddenly, then went away immediately when we went to Spain, then came back on when we were in a different city in Spain. It would be useful if we could eyeball it and see what correlates with the attacks.

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