@freemo For some strange reason, people always seem to act like people.
The majority is not like that. We all have our own quirks, but at the end I think most of us will enjoy in a nice "heated" exchange around the same table with a glass of something in their hand.
It is just that a limited number of the same individuals that don't like to be questioned, most often than not, have also the urge to tell others what (how) they should think.
In my experience, they are all sooner or later "cancelled" just as a matter natural progression of things around the table because they are boring.
@pj @freemo Power attracts the corruptible. Power attracts the people who behave this way. So that noisy 20% tend to dominate the other 80% any way they can. And right now that limited number of individuals are trying to kill off qoto.org which, to me, seems the most sane in this mess simply for not being sufficiently "Antifa" or "woke" or whatever the buzz-word of the week is.