This was already tried numerous times throughout history. It is beyond me why would someone think ***civilization states*** may work in this day and age. "*Civilised*" or not, a state is as good or bad as the relationships it maintains with its own people and its neighbors.
>#Culture is what every tribe and community developed to affirm its sense of #identity. Some cultures established #states with clear #borders that further nurtured their cultures (and) were led by **“men of prowess”**: chiefs or priests, princes or kings, even emperors.
#Civilization began with the idea that the “*civilized*” had to confront the “*barbaric*.” **Men of vision** set out to *find meaning in life beyond their own borders*. They ranged from prophets and teachers who inspired those with wealth and power to spread their message to everyone.
I've always considered #identity, much like #knowledge, an #individual's own, personal, tacit, unique attribute, evolved through a lifetime and representing the history of all social interactions they had with their environment.
I find the modern #identitytheory focus on the many #social "identities" (father, golfer, employee, etc ...) one has during the day, wrong.
In my view, these are just external #roles one assumes and plays in different #systems they are part of. They may define #what an individual is but not #who they are.
In fact, I believe that it is #who an individual is that affect #how they do #what they do in the role they are given.
I also consider the largely accepted academic #theory presented in the attached document as the direct cause of our present dysfunctional society marred by #identitypolitics.
Terrific article about how the “Move fast and break things” philosophy inevitably leads to the rise of group #identity-based #totalitarian societies.
In fact, all #revolutions need a "cleanup" time to establish the "new order" and restore all the good things they have broken in the process.
Retired #systemsengineering professional and #organizationalchange coach with decades of experience in the #military and #aerospace domains.
I'm very glad I found this Mastodon #community where we can "Question Others to Teach Ourselves". Please feel free to ask questions and argue with anything I say. Be sure I'll be doing the same. Nothing is sacred. There are no stupid questions, just BS answers.
Stay safe and be nice to others.