This president always reminds me of Biff Tannen, the godfather in “Back to the future 2” .🤣
>"#Effective_altruism is a philosophy that aims to do as much good as possible," explains Brian Berkey, associate professor of legal studies and business ethics at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, US. "It's how to help ensure people's time and resources are spent well in making the world a better place. Through empirical evidence, individuals can make more informed decisions over which charitable causes to support."
#Trickle_down economics on steroids, that's what it is:
What a spin doctor!
The real problem is not the #elite class gorging on stolen money and their self-serving "friends" in politics, but rather the "#professional class" that despite everything managed to get themselves an education and were lucky to find work as civil servants.
Fake "entrepreneurs" and their "yes men" pretending to care for the "little uneducated man" will save us all.
BTW, I thought **class divide** is a term used only by "filthy Marxists":
>'Shark Tank's' Kevin O'Leary calls Target's $15B woke collapse a warning to corporations
While in the meantime, he is probably busy buying BUD and TGT stocks as NYSE suggests "Buy" for both🤔
>In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades.
Only in the *United States of America* (and only for protection):
>Today, the AR-15 is the best-selling rifle in the United States, industry figures indicate. About 1 in 20 U.S. adults — or roughly 16 million people — own **at least one AR-15**, according to polling data from The Washington Post and Ipsos.
At least it is not a fully automatic gun. I wonder if the mass shooting problem would disappear if the other 19 people also had one of those.
I feel something is wrong with this line of reasoning but I can't quite put my finger on it.
It has something to do with the flawed assumption that it is social media that "rips the fabric of civil society".🤔 What about the effects of the growing #inequality between the rich becoming wealthier and the poor even more impoverished?
#SocialMedia, despite all its flaws, is actually the only democratic tool able to increase global awareness about the fact that such economic inequalities, despite being a global phenomenon do not originate from some "others" (race, nation, religion), but from your very "own people".
The excerpt is from:
The exciting future of #energy is in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
➡️ Along with solar, wind, and water, more #diversity in the used technologies means better overall performance and #robustness.
➡️ Simpler #distribution with local clean and small-footprint #production means there is no need for long unsightly power-lines
➡️ Better #safety (smaller reactors and energy outputs means also smaller consequences of possible failure.
I'm waiting for the model below to install on my 1983 DeLorean😀:
**Radio Paradise** is having a party and you are invited:
***New Year's Eve VR Live Stream***
I see there is a "Show replies" in the settings but it doesn't seem to work.
I see only toots that are boosted. Anyone?
Mobs behave nothing like flocks of birds as this article would like you to believe. Even the author had to admit it at the end of the article.
#Murmuration is the result of birds blindly following a few simple #rules without any #leader, obvious #target, or "higher" #purpose, much like in #JConway's "#GameOfLife".
On the other side, there is nothing "spontaneous" in mobs. You can always identify the lead instigator, the target and it is pretty obvious what they want.
I see lots of posts and articles from people listing all the bad things they were able to "convince" #OpenAI's #ChatGPT to do for them as "proof" of how #AI and #ML models can be harmfully biased, so I thought will ask why is that.
The answer is, as expected, "garbage in - garbage out".
It is not the tool's fault the people using it are deliberately biased and misleading and most of them provide as "proof" only the screenshots of the answer, without bothering to also supply the questions they asked that led to such an answer.
These are my questions and the answers from #ChatGPT:
One of the better explanations of the difference between #constructivism and #constructionism :
Retired #systemsengineering professional and #organizationalchange coach with decades of experience in the #military and #aerospace domains.
I'm very glad I found this Mastodon #community where we can "Question Others to Teach Ourselves". Please feel free to ask questions and argue with anything I say. Be sure I'll be doing the same. Nothing is sacred. There are no stupid questions, just BS answers.
Stay safe and be nice to others.