One would think, with all that oil laying about under #texas, if you just set it all on fire, that would resolve that #blizzard issue. #solvingproblems
@dv8 I don't know, all I can picture is a situation where everywhere that isn't on fire, is freezing... So basically leaving your average texan with the choice of burning to death, or freezing to death.
@pope_meat #asbestos underwear! Nothing but solutions!
@dv8 well, now I think we might be getting somewhere...
@pope_meat According to The Mayor of Colorado City "don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution." And we have #allthebest solutions!
@dv8 that mayor should probably take his own advice...
@pope_meat Stupid people vote for stupid people. Tell stupid people that presidential #voting is now done exclusively on #americanidol!