Original and counterfeit logo of our #VLBAI Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry facility.
Can you spot the difference?
Yo #ScienceMastodon,
If you are looking for #quantum chitchat, at times useless trivia, and #research updates on our work in the field of #quantumtechnologies for inertial sensing: this is where it's at!
Did you know that humankind will likely never laser cool potassium worth the amount in a single 🍌?
#TIL today I learned, that Pauli called Fermi merely a "quantum engineer", and since it was Pauli, most definitely in a super condescending fashion. Can't stop laughing from today's perspective 🤣
All those years I bragged about my 462MHz Yahi-Uda type antenna. Turns out it's resonant for 438MHz and only works well enough for us 😅
The other day during lunch we listed all of today's practical use cases of #QuantumComputing for my class #napkinphysics
Want to contribute to building the world's most accurate gravimeter? The QG-1 team is looking for new PhD students. Apply now and spread the word!
If you want to learn more about why we care about gravity gradients in our lab:
What might be an "archival journal" to you is a major milestone to me. Extremely happy that our work on fast generation of Bose-Einstein condensates written and driven by @derherbstistda is finally published @PhysRevA!
the untold truth about #quantum technologies, inertial sensing and your prime resource for waves that matter | sometimes just kidding wrt quantum computing | science account of @angryschtillerp | #FirstGen