Our friends @TUdarmstadt and @uulm develop a new quantum field theory
for atoms, which could improve high precision clocks and matter-wave
interferometers, paving the way for novel fundamental-physics tests
Time-averaged potentials have become a real work horse in the group. Besides fundamental work on building the rubidium source for the 10 m VLBAI facility, Doro @ditsch42 has shed light on a lot of unexpected challenges when it comes to painted potentials.
Our recipe towards sub-100pK energies w/o the need for microgravity is now published in @CommsPhys
I succesfully defended my PhD thesis today!
I was overwhelmed to have so many of my colleagues join the celebrations!
On the picture you can see the doctoral hat (with an actual crossed laser setup!), the beam picture I had to paint in the games my colleagues prepared, and the fancy sash my boyfriend @NicoNucu made for me ("We need more women in science!").
I also had the honour to hammer my name into the support structure of our experiment: https://elk.zone/qoto.org/@quantumsensing/112246555112552249 @quantumsensing
Using double Bragg diffraction we run up to 9 strongly correlated atom interferometers and extract multiple quantities from linear combinations
Allow me to self-advertise this one because I'm pretty excited about it: when trying to do something much different we accidentally found out that sensing with scalable BEC arrays is a lot of fun
It's been a bit of a long ride so can I maybe interest you in some atom source technology for quantum inertial sensors?
Alex Herbst's work on high flux K-39 is now in PRR
How do you feel about our new M.Sc. Quantum Engineering trailer?
I love this kind of research. It's so easy to talk about doubly-magic nuclei reading from standard text books in Physics IV - look at the grind necessary to understand that's not where it's at!
the untold truth about #quantum technologies, inertial sensing and your prime resource for waves that matter | sometimes just kidding wrt quantum computing | science account of @angryschtillerp | #FirstGen