Maersk wishes to build a methanol production plant in Galicia, the production will be used to fuel some of their methanol powered vessels.
I didn't find the full plan, but it should already be active by 2025.
They wish to produce a huge amount of methanol: 2 milion tonnes.
The production method is however very strange: they wish to synthesize green hydrogen and then use that to produce methanol by the reduction of carbon dioxide, this is the standard production method, but it generally works out because hydrogen produced from carbon is quite cheap, on the other hand green hydrogen is quite more expensive.
Wouldn't it be better to produce methanol through biosynthesis?
Sure, you'd need a lot of feedstock but at least you wouldn't need to install several Eolic parks all over the place to generate the required electricity.
Moreover, in A Coruña a plant producing biomethanol through this technology already exists, and they produce a lot: almost 200 million liters per year, and that plant also PRODUCES electricity.
The main problem is that they use a first generation feedstock, which is quite despicable and that probably the methanol produced is not pure enough to be used in those ships.
Wouldn't it be better to expand the current production plant, maybe by innovating the process to use less important feedstocks and if required open a methanol refinery rather than: placing down a bunch of Eolic parks, build a plant to produce hydrogen and build another plant to produce methanol?
I don't know, surely they did their calculations, but without having a written plan one cannot do anything but wonder.
@nosat It's not only big pharma, science isn't just medicine.
You've got a lot of companies who have interest in moving public research in a certain direction, mainly because in this way they get people doing research about topics they care about basically for free.
@GustavinoBevilacqua immagino che tu abbia di questi problemi
@stephenserjeant I do understand sampling bias, but I voted "no" because I figured that'd be more fun.
@nosat I would say this is far from true, it's difficult that politicians directly interfere with scientific research.
Big companies on the other side do that all the time.
It's not clear how bad this is for science, it is rare that lines of research get obstructed by them, rather they favor certain ones rather than others.
@Sustainable2050 damn, my sister is now living there
Awful temperatures...
Alright, it was quite cool in the end.
I must congratulate with the presenters which are actually really good at managing the anxiety of people!
@GustavinoBevilacqua Non saprei, le frese accettano il modulo 407b per la parcellizzazione di terreni agricoli?
Penso che questo dovrebbe essere un elemento disqualificante all'ammissione a grado di viventi.
Today I'm interviewed by the television, they sent me the questions and it's quite embarrassing stuff.
How would you reply to someone asking: do you know that thousands of people are placing their hope in the good results of your work?
I'm not sure what to say... I guess it'll be something along the lines of everyone in their work tries to improve the life of other people, and I'm doing nothing more than anyone else who loves their job. I hope I'll one day be able to realise the hopes of all these people.
@Confindustria Un fulmine non colpisce mai due volte lo stesso punto.
@GustavinoBevilacqua Ma una fresa che produce altre frese, essendo che si riproduce, può essere considerata un essere vivente?
@GustavinoBevilacqua Non so, era un'azienda con presse da iniezione.
Immagino facessero degli stampi enormi, non so magari cassonetti o cose così.
@vasssbam @workingclasshistory It was a hot December, too hot to survive in a building with the windows closed...
@swearygrandma @workingclasshistory That wasn't a train bomb though; just a luggage full of explosive placed in a bank
mutual aid
@aaronwinstonsmith Tempo fa un'amica mi mandò uno schema Ponzi: schema di aiuto solidale, tu dai 500€ e ne chiedi 500 ad altre 3 persone.
Le chiesi cosa ci fosse di solidale, mi disse che così puoi avere dei soldi da parte di altre persone e quindi vieni aiutato dagli altri...
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
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