Era un po' che non lo dicevo, però #ancheOggiSèMangiato (e tranquilli che anche se non lo dico mangio quasi tutti i giorni) tagliatelle all'uovo coi funghi che mi sono cresciuto in camera. Molto buone, approfittando che oggi con una linea di febbre ho potuto lavorare da casa. Un ringraziamento anche alla famiglia che è venuta qui in vacanza il mese scorso e mi ha lasciato un po' di parmigiano. Le tagliatelle non le ho fatte io, sono quelle dell'Eroski, che nonostante sia un discount ha delle paste sue mica male, prodotte in Italia e trafilate al bronzo. Decisamente migliori e meno costose della Garofalo che si trova qui, per non parlare della Barilla. Purtroppo le condizioni sono quelle che sono e temo che ormai di pasta con grano russo non se ne trovi più, però con un po' di fortuna magari le hanno ancora in scorta; che tanto gli Spagnoli qui si comprano quella dannata pasta Gallo che è veramente terribile.
I'd say it is quite useful to quickly get a birds eye view of a topic.
Do you trust anything written in there? Obviously not, but you can find a lot of useful keywords related to a topic you know nothing about and save yourself quite some time.
This year only half the doctoral thesis written in the University of Santiago de Compostela were in English.
42 of these were in Galician, which might make sense considering 44 of these thesis were written by Spanish students working in the fields of arts and humanities, thus they might have written stuff about Galician literature in Galician.
This fact to me highlights the poor aperture of Spanish academics to the outside world and plummets the value of their work.
Some time ago, I was talking with a professor about a possible collaboration and he sent me a PhD thesis of one of his students to give me an overview of what they've been doing. This thesis was in Spanish, I didn't even read it. I believe that if you feel you've done a good work you'll try to share it with other people as much as possible, publishing a thesis in Spanish makes me think you do not value your work enough to make it accessible to other researchers.
I'm disappointed by the Spanish researchers because of this.
Indeed, lots of good researchers are Spanish and I've read plenty of good articles with Spanish authors; however, I believe that this kinds of things lowers the value of their research.
Ragioniere, concordo con lei: bere acqua è altamente genotossico, molto meglio gustarsi un buon bicchiere di chianti!
Ok, this takes a lot of time and I have to do other things, I have to prepare since I have an actual date soon... She'll have to wait tomorrow for her turn...
Anyways, she's going at it pretty quickly!
It's some time that beautiful girls keep accidentally writing to me on WhatsApp because someone gave them the wrong number.
I didn't really understand where's the scam, but at least I have a lot of beautiful girls that want to be friends with me.
Anyways, right now I'm a Chilean man, the name is written in my profile so I can not change that, but on the surname we're free.
If you want to take part in me trying to have some fun dicking out with these error prone beautiful girls I'll let you comment here details about my life that I'll give them during the conversation.
I can admit crimes and whatever.
Hermanos Españoles, si de verdad piensas estás cosas vos no tienes ni idea de los otros gobiernos del mundo.
En mi país, Italia, el primero ministro fue acusado por varias conductas criminales y el acusó los jueces de parcialidad, no se presentó a los procesos y hice leyes ad persona para no ir a juicio.
Evviva! Oggi è venuto il tecnico ed ha fatto un altro screenshot al mio indirizzo Mac.
Dice che a breve mi metterà la connessione Ethernet!
Intanto io è tre settimane che vado così
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
Don't star my toots, I find that often useless: if you liked it send a reply.
Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.