I fed #ChatGPT the text of my last toots and boosts.
500 lines of them, 250 at a time to get around the character limit.
I'd say that while it did make some mistakes, it definitely understood quite a few things, especially because most of the things were just boosts.
It focused a lot on my last toot about Twitter I guess.
It definitely didn't get the jokes...
Here the replies:
"From the social media activity provided, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the person's identity, interests, or beliefs. However, some general observations can be made.
The person seems to be critical of propaganda and misinformation, as well as the role of social media in disseminating it. They appear to be annoyed at the focus on Twitter in this regard and believe that traditional media, such as newspapers, are also guilty of propaganda. They also question the attribution of fault for propaganda to Twitter.
The person appears to be multilingual and comfortable using different languages in their posts.
They seem to have an interest in science, specifically in molecular nodes, crystal structures, and scientific animation. They also seem to have a sense of humor and may enjoy writing poetry.
Overall, it is difficult to make definitive statements about the person's identity, political beliefs, or personal life based on these posts."
"Based on the timestamps, the person (@rastinza) seems to be active on various occasions in February 2023. They discuss different topics, including cooking, experimentation, and politics. They also mention receiving emails for conferences that they won't attend, likely due to prior commitments during their vacation.
On February 14, @rastinza seems to be referring to a scientific experiment, as they mention using sand from downstairs in their department to blow their round bottom flasks. They also mention how they don't think about the code line by line but rather think about solutions to problems they face.
On February 13, @rastinza mentions trying out a recipe and expresses interest in cooking with a pressure cooker.
On February 11, @rastinza discusses various topics such as voting, experiments, and technology.
On February 10, @rastinza seems to discuss a chemical explosion and its environmental impacts.
Overall, it seems like @rastinza is a scientist who is interested in experimentation, cooking, and current events."
In senso lato.
Bollette, multe, parcelle.
Autoritratto, 2023.
#contemporaryart #performance #art
@ciccillo@nebbia.fail @LaVi @valhalla @diegor @GustavinoBevilacqua Corse a tutte le ore non servono. Basta che ci siano abbastanza treni per permettere a tutti di spostarsi tranquillamente, che facciano delle tratte sensate e che siano gratuiti.
@GustavinoBevilacqua @6al@misskey.social @francesco @sabrinaweb71 @sparkit @giarminio@kolektiva.social Alghe o tutti a casa.
Stavo pensando che vorrei cominciare a ragionare in esadecimale, solo che ho dei problemi a pronunciare i numeri tipo:
17 è diciassette
1A è?
1A Diecià
2B Ventibì
3C Trentacì
4D Quarantadì
5E Cinquantaè
1F Diciasseffe
e poi
A1 aentuno
B2 bientidue
C3 cientitré
D4 dientaquattro
E9 eentanove
F5 feffacinque
1F8 centofeffotto
D9A dicentonovantaà
I fed #ChatGPT the text of my last toots and boosts.
500 lines of them, 250 at a time to get around the character limit.
I'd say that while it did make some mistakes, it definitely understood quite a few things, especially because most of the things were just boosts.
It focused a lot on my last toot about Twitter I guess.
It definitely didn't get the jokes...
Here the replies:
"From the social media activity provided, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the person's identity, interests, or beliefs. However, some general observations can be made.
The person seems to be critical of propaganda and misinformation, as well as the role of social media in disseminating it. They appear to be annoyed at the focus on Twitter in this regard and believe that traditional media, such as newspapers, are also guilty of propaganda. They also question the attribution of fault for propaganda to Twitter.
The person appears to be multilingual and comfortable using different languages in their posts.
They seem to have an interest in science, specifically in molecular nodes, crystal structures, and scientific animation. They also seem to have a sense of humor and may enjoy writing poetry.
Overall, it is difficult to make definitive statements about the person's identity, political beliefs, or personal life based on these posts."
"Based on the timestamps, the person (@rastinza) seems to be active on various occasions in February 2023. They discuss different topics, including cooking, experimentation, and politics. They also mention receiving emails for conferences that they won't attend, likely due to prior commitments during their vacation.
On February 14, @rastinza seems to be referring to a scientific experiment, as they mention using sand from downstairs in their department to blow their round bottom flasks. They also mention how they don't think about the code line by line but rather think about solutions to problems they face.
On February 13, @rastinza mentions trying out a recipe and expresses interest in cooking with a pressure cooker.
On February 11, @rastinza discusses various topics such as voting, experiments, and technology.
On February 10, @rastinza seems to discuss a chemical explosion and its environmental impacts.
Overall, it seems like @rastinza is a scientist who is interested in experimentation, cooking, and current events."
@Malditopelirrojo @atomicpoet @JosephMenn Yes and no. Frankly, traditionally newspapers have been widely used for propaganda and nobody is claiming we should shut down newspapers. Even though with newspapers it is directly their fault as they are the ones writing the articles.
Mostly, I'm just annoyed at how much people worries about twitter over here...
@atomicpoet @JosephMenn Why would you think a government propaganda organization wouldn't pay 8 euros to spread propaganda?
Why is the fault of the propaganda attributed to twitter?
To refute lies:
Always LEAD WITH THE TRUTH, not the lies.
DO **NOT** put the lies FIRST in your tweets, headlines, and/or articles.
Giving lies primacy, gives them validity.
Give truth primacy, not lies.
#LedeWithTheTruth (<for the journalists)
Il mio amico turco che è immigrato in Germania come me, mi dà del privilegiato.
Sono partito dalla Sardegna con in tasca letteralmente 300€ datimi da mio padre. Ad aspettarmi in Germania nessuna rete sociale.
Non ho avuto diritto alla disoccupazione dopo essere stato licenziato dopo meno di un anno dall'arrivo. Ho dovuto pagare i corsi di tedesco. Non mi posso permettere un'auto, nemmeno piccola. Vivo in appartamento condiviso da anni, da quando sono stato truffato da un rifugiato kosovaro.
I've ported over the 'Wiggle' node to #MolecularNodes 2.2, meaning you can bring your static crystal structures to life without the need for MD simulations.
Using only #b3d and #GeometryNodes you can animate amino-acid side-chains using B-factor information from the structure.
Download the addon here: https://github.com/BradyAJohnston/MolecularNodes
Did the NYT really publish an Opinion speculating that young girls today are more depressed than ever because of _phones_?
In a world where they lost the right to control their own reproductive healthcare? Where states are pondering making them report their periods? In a world debating genital inspections to play school sports? While banning books? Where they practice school shooting drills? With climate change? Where sexual assault isn’t disqualifying for public office?
Sure, it’s the phones.
@GustavinoBevilacqua "Eh, non mi ricordo se ho il tuo numero; prova a chiamarmi che in caso lo salvo"
@Folagra Complimenti! L'ultima volta che mi è capitato si è fermato uno in auto a farmi l'applauso!
@elisecutts I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as "Et tu, Brutus", is in fact, "Tu quoque, Brute, filii mii", or as Caesar most likely spoke: "καὶ σὺ τέκνον".
@barfly Spero che sia solo il vestito e che abbia la testa un po' più sveglia
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
Don't star my toots, I find that often useless: if you liked it send a reply.
Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.