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#Utrecht #UtrechtCentraal #OV #PublicTransport #xp
RT @_benjamintd
Isochrones 😍 ! This map shows you how far a 5h train ride will take you, departing from any city in Europe.

Inspired by Direkt Bahn Guru by @juliustens.

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Ragazzi, avrei bisogno di un informazione. Non avendo un Android non so. Avrei bisogno di chiamare una persona ma mi compare una voce che si chiama contatto “pausa di utilizzo” ne sapete qualcosa per caso ? Grazie mille

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Gente che si chiede come possa chiamarsi una coalizione con Fratoianni, Calenda, Brunetta e Gelmini ...

Fossa Biologica ovviamente.

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My elderly next-door neighbour was complaining that she had had to start bottling her winter supply of passata because her tomatoes had ripened earlier than usual in the prolonged heat.

I'm always surprised by how many people here in Puglia still cultivate and process their own food.

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i needed a way to sample yarn and color combinations without the hassle and waste of warping my regular loom, AND i wanted to learn how to make 3d models for 3d printing... so i made my own little 3d printed frame loom! i designed the model in freecad and printed it with one of the ultimakers in my department's shop. the loom is so small that i didn't bother with a heddle—i wove "manually" using a long tapestry needle and beat the weft with a 99c hair pick from walgreens.

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A clitoris is a lot like Antarctica:
most men know it's there, but few really care.
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Police have arrested an Italian man in the killing of a Nigerian vendor whose brutal beating was filmed by onlookers.
Italy: Outrage over fatal attack on Nigerian street vendor
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All theoretical chemistry is really physics; and all theoretical chemists
know it.
-- Richard P. Feynman
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Questa foto è tanto per evidenziare quanto certe persone se ne fottano di chi si è fattә un mazzo tanto, spesso sacrificando buona parte dei 2 €/ora che guadagna, per contribuire all'acquisto di un gazebo (di merda, perché spendere per un gazebo quanto altri spendono dietro a Netflix, Amazon Prime e simili sono ritenuti soldi sprecati) e montino e smontino i gazebi con una fretta indiavolata altrimenti perdono l'ultima puntata della serie in TV.

Anticapitalisti molto part-time, direi…

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Mi sono rimaste solo più queste.

Se non siete in provincia di Savona o Imperia dal 5 al 7 agosto, per venirvele a prendere alla Festa del Popolo, vi consiglio di cercare uno stampatore di spille nella vostra zona, la spedizione vi verrebbe a costar troppo.

Copiate pure, se vi piacciono: io l'ho copiata da una scritta su un muro vicino a uno dei colorifici da cui mi servo (quando l'ho letto ho avuto un'epifania).

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All'ultima Festa del Popolo stavo aiutando NUDM a allestire lo stand.

Passa un umarell PD e si offre di aiutarmi a trapanare, dicendo d'averlo fatto per 35 anni.

E comincia a darci al massimo dei giri con una punta da 8,5 mm.

Gli faccio presente che l'avrebbe bruciata, e lui dice "Quand'ero in fabbrica ci davo così, e se le punte si bruciavano le pagava il padrone".

Gli ho ricordato che la punta che stava usando non era del padrone, ma del popolo (io me ne considero solo il custode)


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We released gum yesterday, which lets you enhance your shell scripts with a user-friendly TUI, complete with dialogs, prompts, lists, and selections.

if you're into scripting or crafting immensely powerful shell one-liners, you should honestly check out the README, there are a ton of amazing examples:

Io ed un mio caro amico omonimo nell'ultimo anno siamo sempre andati insieme a tagliarci i capelli (ed ogni volta ci trovavamo in una nazione diversa...)
Ora io mi trovo in Spagna e lui in Olanda
L'ho chiamato perché devo tagliare i capelli, ed anche lui andrà oggi stesso a tagliarli

I'm running highly inefficient MATLAB code which I wrote myself.
This code repeats the same calculations several times uselessly.
It will take several more hours to complete because of this.

No, I do not care; it is fine and I can wait.
I do not want to spend any more time adjusting code, specially in MATLAB; I already spent way too much time in the profiler to reduce memory consumption.
I just make sure to save progress any once in a while so that if something goes wrong I don't lose all the results.

Dietists: you should eat a lot of vegetables and little processed meats
Economists: the market will adapt to the people and overall create more welfare

The market: tomatoes at 4€/kg, hot dogs at 2.50€/kg

This things should be regulated
This is harmful for people with little money, since they'll prefer cheaper processed food
Sure, you can get potatoes, onions and carrots for cheap, but you should base your full diet on those.

While I do not like the idea of a paternalistic government, I also don't like the idea that poor people are basically forced to eat unhealthy food.
I'd like to see high taxation on meats and processed food to subsidize vegetables and legumes
It would be nice to have vegetables provided for free by the government, this would help in improving everyones health

I went to a tax advisor today.
Apparently if I open an activity in Spain and I earn 15000€ per year, simplifying a few calculations I will obtain in the end 6900€ that's a 55% taxation overall more or less.

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