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rastinza boosted
rastinza boosted

Oggi ho realizzato che gli spagnoli sono un popolo di merda
Che mi sono girato tutto il condominio con un pentolone di fagioli dicendo di averne cucinati troppi e per favore di prenderli e nessuno li ha voluti

rastinza boosted
rastinza boosted

@rastinza @AlbertoeFabio consiglio anche ViMusic che si interfaccia solo con YouTube Music, funziona in background ed è disponibile su F-Droid 🙃

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Soldi pubblici finanziano la ricerca, e la Fondazione Edmund Mach vende le royalties di alcune varietà di mirtilli e lamponi ad una azienda straniera che produrrà in Marocco Spagna Portogallo una varietà-primizia che arriverà prima nei nostri mercati facendo concorrenza alle varietà nostrane: secondo l'assessore allo sviluppo economico della giunta leghista della provincia autonoma di Trento è tutto OK :awesome:
Ma non era "prima gli Italiani"?

rastinza boosted

Si chiamava Nicolò aveva 21 ANNI e faceva l'operaio.
Venerdì dopo aver inalato i vapori, ha perso i sensi finendo all'interno di un silo.
Ieri sera é morto in ospedale.

#MorireDiLavoro una guerra che non frega un cazzo a nessuno.

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4 fogli di via da Milano (durata 6 mesi) per una protesta con cartelli, fumogeni e un pallone gonfiabile oggi in Fiera contro il summit delle aziende del gas.
L'uso disinvolto degli allontanamenti politici e del daspo sta completamente sfuggendo di mano.

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rastinza boosted
Economics isn't just the current economic system.

Economics has been described as the study of incentives, and how to manage scarce resources. People usually think of economics as directly relating to money, but money is not necessary for economics to exist. You could have a study of economics in situations that only include barter between physical objects or immediate services, or even the "clans or tribes of close-knit individuals living together".

Scarcity is the default in the world, so even among your kin you must choose how to manage scarce resources. You spend resources deciding how much effort to spend on supporting each of your kin, you have to decide how much risk to take in supporting your kin if they get into trouble, you have to decide who gets what accommodations or food. Taking one opportunity means another is no longer available, so which opportunities do you take and why? If someone is being imperfect, at what point is it time to start imparting disincentives and what magnitude of those disincentives should be? If you happen to have certain kin who are particularly strong, or smart, or talented, or attractive, how will you make use of them? They can only be in one place at one time. If you have certain people who are wise, how will their time be parceled out, since they can only be in one place at one time?

The questions don't go away because money goes away, or because modern systems of trade go away. They are fundamental questions that will decide whether a clan or tribe is successful or unsuccessful. Understanding these things is important whether we like it or not.

That doesn't mean we can't criticise anything coming out of economics, any particular conclusions or the specific systems our society has set up. It just means that we can't place the blame of our faulty systems entirely on the shoulders of economics, any more than we can blame chemistry for war because bombs and guns use chemical explosives, or we can blame language for hate because people use language to express their hateful ideas.
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rastinza boosted

Ho appena finito di sentire Alessandro Barbero che racconta la storia di Cavour e Garibaldi.

Chissà perché a scuola era totalmente diversa…

Scaricatela e ascoltatevela in ufficio in cuffia, tanto per perdere un'ora e mezza di tempo aziendale.

rastinza boosted

#mastomarinai #MastoYuma

Altra cosa strana.

La Yuma è vicino a Limassol, Cipro, e si è affiancata a una nave di pari dimensioni, 103×29 m, indicata come "US GOVERNMENT VESSEL" ma con bandiera britannica.
E questa nave misteriosa non ha neppure un codice identificativo IMO (ma pare corrisponda a una certa "KATRINA").

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INSIDE VOLUME 5 : The flesh pillows

INK IS MY BLOOD – VOLUME FIVE | 148 pages of light and darkness | Foreword by Anthony Byrne

Anyone who missed the campaign can still order Volume 5, the poster and the stickers on our website :

Apollonia Saintclair 852 - 20190413 Les coussins de velours (The flesh pillows)

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With the rise of N*FTs I started to feel uncomfortable to call myself generative artist. Now with the rise of image generation, the term ai artist is burned. These descriptions are hard - maybe I will just go with 'lost soul'.

finisco di pulire la cucina e l'appartamento è quasi pronto!
Invio il messaggio ora che sono tornato di festa.
Devo dire che a Santiago si sta molto bene

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Alla fallimentare "teoria dello sgocciolamento" propongo di opporre quella "dell'affioramento": se riempiamo gli strati più bassi di acqua prima o poi questa arriverà anche in alto!
#AgendaRobinHood #UnionePopolare #ElezioniPolitiche2022

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Spaghetti al fuoco di Bacco. Cioè cotti nel vino, con pecorino, olive nere e peperoncino.


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"after obtaining my Ph.D. in October 1964 and joining the chemistry faculty at Caltech in November 1964, I began trying to find the best data [...] Here, I lost confidence in the [CRC] Handbook [of Chemistry and Physics] because some of the data were ancient and some more modern, but generally, there were no references to the data, so I could not check the reliability."
"However, this all changed when David Lide became the editor of the Handbook. Quickly the old unreferenced data was replaced [...] citing the original references."

Imagine a time when the CRC handbook had a lower standard for its data than a Wikipedia article... *citation needed.*

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