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rastinza boosted

The #UofTMississauga Master of Science in Biomedical Communications program bridges #art, #science, #medicine and #communications to bring visual media to life.
Learn how grad Sherry An created an animated film explaining the #GlobalUrbanEvolution Project as part of her studies. 🐝

rastinza boosted

To this extent I'm really interested to know how the age breakdown of people on the #Fediverse. On one hand it would seem to make sense to me that most people here remember the "old internet" before the centralization and they're here to rekindle that flame of independence. On the other hand the youths are generally pretty up on this whole technology thing. I grew up on the internet and since then smartphones have become even more ubiquitous.

(Please boost for reach)

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rastinza boosted

"Try reading the following out loud:

Hashtag screenreaders for the hashtag blind and hashtag VisuallyImpaired read every hashtag HashTags out loud and so it's hard for people with hashtag VisualImpairment to get the sense of the post because it's being constantly interrupted by well-meaning hashtag accessibility hashtag allies.

Easier to read with a block of hashtags at the bottom:
#screenreaders #VisuallyImpaired #blind #allies #Hashtags #accessibility"
--original author unknown

rastinza boosted

@rastinza In a recent preprint (, we have shown that one can also get obtain continuous energy surfaces (denotes as PlaNet) for multi-dimensional data and "larger" molecules such as ethanol. Unfortunately, for systems larger than 40 electrons, these methods get quite expensive. So, their scaling in terms of size is still very much active research.

rastinza boosted

@rastinza we in fact perform highly accurate ab-initio calculations. In many small system, such ML-driven ab-initio methods report the lowest variational results in the literature. What we mean with "not sacrificing performance" is that compared to neural wave function-based baselines we don't lose any accuracy despite solving many Schrödinger equations simultaneously.

The plot below shows our Potential Energy Surface Network (PESNet) in comparison to other neural wave function-based methods.

rastinza boosted

Salutiamo Marco F. da Varese, che ci spiega a chi giova alzare il tetto del contante.
Non è neppure onesto fino in fondo, perché sostiene che così fa risparmiare il cliente finale. Secondo me non è vero, semplicemente si incassa il 22% di IVA alla faccia sua.

rastinza boosted

@rastinza @yarmo good idea with the hashtags. Oh, I am not saying it is only for marginalized humans, but they were the ones who used it and filled it with life before the big migration started. And I am not saying it’s in the DNA of mastodon but a rather huge part of it. Since history is important to understand most things, I am just thinking that it should have a place in your story.

rastinza boosted

@yarmo @rastinza I understand that it might me a bit technical for new users. I just learned that hashtags are vital to find the groups and people which share your interests if you are not on a server that already is your interest. Again just ideas. Also, and I think that is a vital point though, is the heritage/history. Because mastodon was and still is a hub for marginalized humans who found a safe space here and populated the fediverse way before it was on the map for most. What do you think?

rastinza boosted

@rastinza @yarmo I think it is a start with a good take. I would definitely expand on the different ‘places’ in terms of clubs, boroughs/districts/neighborhoods. Also private clubs are a thing. And the use/need of needs to be mentioned as well as ownership (majors?).

rastinza boosted


Hi all,

I'm a PhD student in #MachineLearning at the technical university of Munich #TUM. I'm currently working on machine learning on graphs and machine learning-driven computional chemistry.
#ml #GraphNeuralNetworks #GNNs #compchem

rastinza boosted

Where Europeans tend to be loud or quiet?

by loverofgeography on instagram

rastinza boosted

Do you understand #QuantumMechanics? #science

rastinza boosted

#introduction 1/2 👋

I'm Andrew. I'm mild and friendly and find conflict exhausting. Born in #southafrica and living in #vigo, #galicia, #spain. Family ties to #portugal.

Generalist #freelance #webdev with a recent interest in #react. #js #javascript

I make print-and-play solo games, most recently #rpg #ttrpg #solorpg #pnp #gamedesign

I occasionally make public-spirited things like and

rastinza boosted

@rastinza @poterealpopolo

L'obiettivo è nobile ma la misura è inefficace.

Mosler usa la metafora dei cani e degli ossi per spiegare cos'è un problema macroeconomico: a 100 cani vengono dati 90 ossi e si osserva che 10 rimangono senza. Si interviene sui cani cercando di renderli "più competitivi", si ripete l'esperimento e sempre 90 rimangono senza.

La misura del salario minimo è come mettere una regola sulla competizione tra quei cani e sperare che più di 90 abbiano un osso. Scarichi il costo di questa misura sui datori di lavoro che nel migliore dei casi avranno meno soldi da spendere e quindi qualcun altro avrà meno clienti, nel peggiore la misura viene elusa come ho spiegato.

Ciò che va fatto invece è emettere la quantità di moneta necessaria all'economia italiana, che deve aumentare mano a mano che l'economia migliora proprio come aumenta il sangue in circolo nel corpo di un bambino che diventa adulto. Lo abbiamo fatto nel Dopoguerra con quello che è diventato il Miracolo economico italiano:

Si tratta solo di adoperare politiche economiche keynesiane e Keynes è universalmente considerato il padre della macroeconomia. La MMT aggiunge soltanto il fatto che il modo migliore per raggiungere la piena occupazione con la minore quantità di inflazione è che lo Stato si faccia garante di ultima istanza del lavoro.

rastinza boosted

@rastinza @poterealpopolo

Una volta un fisico cercò di spiegare ad un generale che una certa cosa non si può fare per le Leggi di Kirchhoff e questi gli rispose "e allora le faremo cambiare queste leggi".

Qui è la stessa cosa, si pensa di poter intervenire in modo coercitivo sull'economia invece che accomodandone le leggi azionando le leve macroeconomiche e sfruttando l'infinita capacità propulsiva dello Stato in economia.

Se imponi un salario minimo e basta possono succedere varie cose, in parte si assume di meno, in parte lo si elude col lavoro in nero, si può avere inflazione perché per garantire i salari da qualche parte quei soldi vanno presi (es. il commerciante alza i prezzi dei prodotti per garantire i salari minimi ai dipendenti) e parte un circolo vizioso in cui il salario minimo va continuamente aumentato. Inoltre possono essere erose altre condizioni di lavoro per compensare il salario minimo, dalle piccole cose come la macchinetta del caffè fino a straordinari non retribuiti.

Invece il problema sta nei rapporti di forza tra datore di lavoro e lavoratore, quest'ultimo deve avere capacità negoziale altrimenti il datore di lavoro scaricherà sempre in qualche modo i costi degli interventi coercitivi su di esso.

Uno Stato cosciente della sua infinita capacità di spesa fa una cosa molto semplice: garantisce a tutti lo stipendio e le condizioni di lavoro che ritiene dignitose e allora sarà il lavoratore a decidere quando gli conviene accettare un lavoro da un privato. Lo Stato così garantisce i diritti de facto invece che de iure.

E in piena occupazione siamo tutti più ricchi in termini di ricchezza reale; è la disoccupazione, il tenere ferma una parte di popolazione disposta a lavorare, ad essere un costo che pesa su chi produce.

Se non si fa questo è semplicemente perché ormai siamo in un circolo vizioso che porta ad un sempre maggiore accentramento di ricchezza nelle mani di pochi, reso possibile da quella piramide di rapporti di forza che per sostenersi non può fare altro che accentuarsi, non possiamo che essere ciascuno l'aguzzino dell'altro; non risolvi certo le cose mettendo un salario minimo ad un certo livello della piramide perché crea solo una strozzatura che viene prima o poi inglobata. Per questo dico che il problema è strutturale.

rastinza boosted

@rastinza I like where you are taking this analogy, hope you develop it further!

To clarify my analogy: first of all, I don't talk about Mastodon but rather the fediverse 😉 semantics…

More importantly, I compare the fediverse not to a village but a network of villages. Which, to me, is the same thing as districts in a city. Separate but joined entities. So, in the end, I don't think our analogies diverge that much

rastinza boosted

@rastinza @poterealpopolo

"Il mito del deficit: La teoria monetaria moderna per un’economia al servizio del popolo" di Stephanie Kelton (già economista capo della minoranza democratica di Bernie Sanders al Senato USA) è un saggio divulgativo con linguaggio accessibile a tutti, è disponibile sia in italiano che in inglese ed è anche su LibGen se non vuoi comprarlo:

Sempre sul lato divulgativo ci sono vari libri di Warren Mosler.

Un saggio sui risvolti socio-politici in ottica della MMT è "Reclaiming the State" (uno degli autori è uno dei tre "padri" della MMT):

Dal punto di vista accademico c'è un manuale universitario introduttivo alla macroeconomia con la lente della MMT scritto dai due principali economisti che se ne sono occupati a livello di pubblicazioni scientifiche (Wray e Mitchell) ed è adottato come libro di testo in alcune università:

It's been a while that I've been telling around I intend to write a about socializing on .
Of course I didn't finish the guide, in fact I didn't even start writing it... I'm still in the note taking phase.
However, today I took a plane and read an [article]( by @yarmo in which he compared Mastodon to a village and Twitter to a metropolis.
I didn't like this analogy very much, so I came up with my own in which Mastodon is a big city with a lot of different places where people hang out.
I didn't polish this yet, it's just some notes I jotted down quickly, so take it as an unpolished draft.
I'd like to know your opinion about it: if you're a long time user if you believe that this analogy actually reflects Mastodon and if you're a new user if the analogy made you understand some things about Mastodon you didn't previously know.
I'll take into consideration your comments while polishing this up and to decide whether to actually include it in the guide.

So, here we go:
Mastodon is like a big city with a lot of people that hang out all the time.
Since the city is big, people hang out in many different places where they meet their friends, and generally people always hang out more or less in the same places.
Some people live near the centre, where there's a lot of different people and they can barely recognise faces and other live in isolated outskirts where few people live and everyone knows everyone else.
Some people just hang out in places where they do things that interest them, such as churches, gyms, workshops, art galleries and so on and thus mainly hang out with people that shares their interests.
The more you hang out in one place, the more you get to know the people that stay there and become their friend; moreover, staying there you get to know their friends, which may just be passing every once in a while but who normally hang out in other places.
Some groups of people despise others and try to avoid each other as much as possible by not talking to each other, avoiding common friendship and not going to the places where those people hang out.

When you move to a new city it's difficult to make friends; if you already have a friend living there, it's good to go around with him for a while to see all different places and to get to know some friends so that you can then choose where to hang out and who to meet.
If you don't know anyone living there then you have to start making friends autonomously; a good way to do this is to just choose a place that you think you like and hang out there for a while, trying to talk to people and getting into conversations with them. It's unlikely that you'll immediately find your favourite place in the city or that the first people you meet will become your best friends, but it's good to start making these "introductory friends". Through these friends you'll meet other people and eventually you will meet someone who's really cool and with whom you get along very well. Eventually you may distance yourself a bit from these people as you hang out more with other friends you made and you may stop hanging out in the place you were initially hanging out as you discover places you like more.

Thus, you'll slowly discover the places and people of the city until you find a good spot that you like.
If you're like me, you won't be happy with just one place or just one group of people and you'll start going around many places and making several groups of friends.
On the other hand you may just find a few good friends and always hang out in the same place.

Thus, it's inappropriate to start by asking around who are the cool people to follow: if nobody knows you nobody will be able to tell you who you might get along with.
It's also inappropriate to ask people to present you other people who do your same job or have your same interests; the best thing to do is to go in places where such people hang out and try to meet them naturally.
Just imagine going to the barman and asking him for the list of engineers specialised in photovoltaic panels that go to that bar... And then just going to those guys and saying something like "I heard you do my same job, we shall hang out together." That's not nice, even though he does your same job he may loathe you or you may not have fun with the guy, this is a place to hang out and not a job board.

rastinza boosted
rastinza boosted


I’m building a neural net that predicts stability of solid phases. The details are not quite settled yet, there’s a lot of trial going on. Generally it’s a classifier that guesses if energy above the hull is greater than zero or is equal to zero.

Convex hull is a thermodynamic concept: set of compounds that are thermodynamically stable, and their unstable polymorphs are higher in energy (hence E above the hull).

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.