@_lunawinters Gaming, bingeing TV, coding, and texting girls I like
@_lunawinters American malls to me are basically Amazon.com but better
@realcaseyrollins weather here is not good these days 😔 10 degrees Celsius, rain and no sunlight :'(
Subtract 10 degrees C and that's what we have here too. #Winter is #hard.
@realcaseyrollins well, that sounds good.
@realcaseyrollins @_lunawinters Read books, work on my PC and eat:_stars: ...
That would be my kind of plan too, except, Fediverse.
Taken over my life, it's sucha a passion.
@design_RG @zevahs @_lunawinters
Yeah, the #Fediverse is amazing, quite a viable passtime
That's a Sport, I like it. 👍
@_lunawinters OR if I could get out the house I would just go to the mall and window shop for like four hours.
I love the atmosphere of a mall.