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nothing promotes productivity like an uncluttered workspace!!!!

Everyone's all like 'ooh Cardi B stands for Cardiovascular Bronchitis' while ignoring that Cardi's real name is clearly a dark wizard's Name of Power

Okay. So, someone made a song of Alex Jones rants in the form of an Indie Folk Song.

And. Wow. Fantastic.

Yeah, sex is cool, but does anyone know where to find Scottish mastodon?

Billy burger at Broughgammon farm near Ballycastle. Highly recommended.

The local ravens have been using our birdbath to store their dinner (delightful things like decapitated parrot heads) so every time the dog goes outside he heads straight to the birdbath to see if there are any new “treats”.

The notion that FOSS isn't political and/or shouldn't be political is completely absurd because the whole existence of FOSS is to achieve outcomes that many people who don't subscribe to FOSS philosophies are opposed to.
As such, if it's anything, FOSS can only be political.
Being anti-political is just a bizarre notion that can only emerge in supreme lack of education in cultures where having a political opinion is considered a bad thing because that can lead to negative economic consequences.

your mission, should you choose to accept it (+) 

Be kind to yourself ♥️

What a social network is for:
- See interesting stuff from friends and people that interest you
- Cute animal photo of the day
- Feel a positive human connection

What it ain’t for:
- Witch hunts
- Make up bullshit about strangers you never met
- Brand engagement

Well either that or when you "see it" a moderator talks to the person first to get them to stop doing whatever the amoral act happens to be. As long as you don't insta-ban then strict codified and objective rules arent needed.

With that said not having objective rules can be a turn off to a potential new user since they dont really know if their personal expression is one that is later going to be held against them or if they will be demanded to stop later. Once they are already invested and a few thousand posts in they may not want to find out they are on the wrong instance for them.

@Surasanji @hashtaggrammar @commandelicious

I agree, for the most part. Not sure I agree that self-harm is wrong. While it is something we should try to prevent I do feel people have a right to self-harm if they wish without being deemed an immoral actor.

But for the most part I think we agree.

@hashtaggrammar @commandelicious


@trayofbees QOTO doesnt silence any instance. But I can say that after seeing the way bofa is moderated that if any instance deserves a silence its bofa.

The hounding of Wil Wheaton off here bothers me greatly. Suggests the admins of Mastodon instances can’t be trusted to do the right thing vs the easy thing (which I don’t blame them for entirely) and highlights a fundamental problem of social media. That the ill informed baying crowd gets what they want is simply not good enough.

Overheard in Portrush
“Oh look at the wee chairs. The wee chairs, there.”
“Oh God Jesus look at the wee chairs.”
“Look at the wee chairs.”
“Jesus God look at the wee chairs.”

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.