I would love to undertand better the reason/psychology/development of some homosexual men to speak in that distinctive way of speaking that seems exclusive to gay men. Like it isnt an accent, and doesnt seem to occur naturally since its exclusive to that group. Do gay men make it a point to learn to speak that way at some point? If so why?

My best guess is as a way to show their orientation publicly to signal to other gay men, in an effort to creat connections or find companions that are also gay? But that would imply its a conscious thing they learnedto do at some point?

PS please no inconsiderate responses. Be respectful people.

@freemo Homosexual men seem to be well-spoken but the level of skill is very impressive. I believe homosexual men tend to be more intelligent than their heterosexual counterparts.

I can't describe it.

@AmpBenzScientist generally speaking intelligent people are more likely to go against social norms. So while i dont think being gay means you are more intelligent i do think being openly gay tends to lean towards higher IQ people.


@freemo @AmpBenzScientist

I think this isn't true without some additional qualification? After all, all petty crime, vandalism, littering, aimless churlishness etc. is against social norms. I think I get what you mean though, but am also missing a term for that kind of social norm contravening.

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Being against something simply for being a social norm isnt the same as having nonpressure to follow social norms. With theblatter you will still use your discretion but something being against a social norm wont weigh your decision as much as other factors.


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