Saw this map posted on another network and it helped me realize some things I'd never appreciated before, which is just how whopping huge the agricultural part of California is, and, related, just how bowl-like the topography is. Really fascinating. #Maps #California
@erlend link seems to be 404ing!
@hnkns thanks man
@JonChevreau hey i think i saw her perform like a decade ago! forgot all about her and didn’t know she was still going. will have to look up her stuff
@levisan @jeremiah five years! wow. i sought out evaluation of whether i might have adhd well before it became “in vogue” to whatever degree it is now, but a friend got diagnosed recently and i don’t think it took nearly that long. (ontario though.) my tinnitus specialist appointment has been booked for a year and a half though, hah.
@anubis2814 @RadicalAnthro ahhhh… hadn’t gotten around to googling yet, so thanks!
@jeremiah @levisan i do think there’s prob a lot of folks experiencing adhd-like symptoms that have something else going on that’s causing some similar symptoms, and that the DSM framework for it needs updating, but how many of those folks are actually being diagnosed and treated w stimulant pharmaceuticals? no idea. but it’s not that easy for adults to get diagnosed in many places, from what i hear
@jeremiah @levisan yeah, could be a vector that pharma is happy about, but i doubt that’s the leading factor, bc 1) most folks leading the charge on normalization of broader autistic and adhd communities are also advocating mainly a non-medical, non-pharma paradigm for how it’s treated, 2) autism in particular isn’t particularly suited for pharmaceutical interventions. adhd fits your bill a bit better.
@jeremiah @levisan is it possible that could eventually happen, or that some doctors overdiagnose? for sure. but overall i think the removal of stigma is helpful, and the direction is towards helping more people live their lives more fully. i was diagnosed with adhd ~15yr ago, and regret not taking it seriously then. around 5yr ago i started learning how adhd works and using targeted strategies to better deal with it, and that has improved my life immensely.
@jeremiah @levisan well it def has changed, in that asperger’s (and now adhd) are increasingly seen as part of the same “spectrum” of neurological conditions. and of course there’s the pop understanding of the conditions too which is often nonsense. but i don’t think it’s a conspiracy to try to medicalize everything. we’ve seen demedicalization of it too — seeing them as neurotypes that can exist without needing treatment rather than as just disorders
@levisan i have a bad habit of sorta explaining my jokes after i make them (or hear them). “yeah, we got it” my wife says. i’m not fully sure why i do it. it’s not because i think others aren’t smart enough to get it. i think i’m trying to confirm whether what i got out of it is what other people did too, since i seem to perceive and communicate things differently so often
@levisan oh that’s funny!
@levisan couldn’t figure out what that emoji was at first, hah... thanks, man
@RadicalAnthro strange, that link is giving me an error!
@freemo thanks 😘
@levisan this is the type of observation i find useful but that also makes me feel like maybe i am autistic because i find it useful
former baby, future corpse