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I've talked to many many people about this including my wife who spent many years on the floor as a nurse, has a doctorate in nursing practice and teaches at University (since you seem to think that appeal to the many and appeal to educational advancement bolsters your argument, perhaps you'll see it as bolstering mine as well) Sweden ABSOLUTELY DID take the best possible course of action when looking at overall outcomes. Read the article again(?) (seems you didn't read it yet at all), and (this time?) try to comprehend it.

@RickBrandon @akeno
I also bought a Fawkes mask for "in case." I have yet to use it though. Our Idiot governor issued a "mandatory mask" order a few weeks ago. I'll copy/paste a post I wrote about today's trek to Tractor Supply (needed auto battery; will NOT go to WalMart, which is where the core I returned came from)
Went to Tractor Supply for a battery for the truck.
As I was driving into the lot, people were going in
and coming out; all masked. As I was heading to the
door, a couple was coming across the parking lot,
w/o masks. Got inside and put the "core" battery
by the register.
Every one except the two that came in just behind me
was wearing a mask. Without exception. So, like
3 dozen muzzled patrons, and the three of us who
weren't afraid of 5 or 6 cases throughout the entire
county. As I was walking out of the store, another
unmasked man was coming in.

It's a super sad state of humanity when people
mindlessly obey an idiotic governor just because his
nonsense is on a piece of paper with the words,
"Executive Order" across the top.
Even sadder, nobody read that. They just heard the
media say "mandatory mask order" and they comply.

Maybe we really are just "cattle" for the reptilians.

Glad to see you now understand why the COVID described as "exponential" is simple media disinformation / propaganda.

IFR is actually closer to ~0.01~0.1% which, after subtracting seasonal flu death attributed to COVID is actually less fatal than seasonal flu.

To be "fair" the local news is reporting local conditions. Elsewhere is irrelevant to local facts. "Elsewhere" news is doing the exact same thing.

COVID has NEVER been exponential despite the mathemeticians desperate (like the news-fabricators) attempt to fit it into that fiction.

Ah, so alarmism is fine because that's the only tool they have to make a living. <sigh>
They'd make more from zero-point energy using newscaster stupidity as the catalyst.

Caught the teevee news last night babbling on about how the covid pandemic was exploding across Western Carolina. Cut to field reporter who's interviewing an official from Pardee Hospital in Hendersonville. Oh, yes, there are FOUR cases in the hospital currently, and they are taking up ABOUT half the ICU beds! ZERO cases in Haywood Community Hospital.
ZERO cases in Methodist (HUGANTUOUS hospital in Asheville).
Over the past week, we've got FOUR new cases in Haywood
county for a total of 109 since the beginning and ZERO deaths.
That's less than 1 case per day... so given the average length of sickness is less than 10 days, let's say _maybe_ 5 or 6 people who are actually currently sick. Hospitalizations aren't even announced.

And yet... the pandemic is somehow exploding. How do these newscasters live with themselves? I mean, when your job is to sit in front of a camera and just lie, lie, lie, day after
day... how do you possibly NOT go jump off a bridge?

@Locksmith @realcaseyrollins @CSB @jennifer
I've never worn a mask or face covering. IF at some time, I deem a service so important that I just have to wear one, it will be this.

The US is better at faking the numbers. Death by gunshot wound? He tested positive. COVID death.
Death by auto accident? He tested positive. COVID death.

Emergency room visit. PCR test. Admit to Medical Unit. PCR test. Ready to discharge. PCR test.
Tests come back positive: 3 new COVID cases.

The magic is that the US is much better at counting than the rest of the world.

Delphi Internet Services had a wide range of forums. I mostly hung out on Unix, New Age, Arts & Crafts, and a few others.
Became asst manager at New Age and when the manager left, I took over. That was actually a paying gig. Those were the days. @akeno
I'm old enough that there weren't all these vaccines when I was a child. I had measles, mumps and chickenpox. It was considered a normal part of growing up. When you were sick, you stayed home. As soon as you're not sick anymore, you go back to school. Simple.
Why can't the "coronavirus" be that simple? (rhetorical)

@akeno, It might have helped if I had mentioned this in our recent "never been sick in 35 years" discussion. Oh well, mentioned now.

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On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare

sda boosted

Neural Linguistic Programming isn't language dependent.

No sarcasm or mocking from here.

Sore throat maybe from dryness or singing too much. Snot from pollen occasionally, but nothing from "microbes."
I suppose peoples' definition of "sick" may vary somewhat also.

I don't take ibuprofen/tylenol/aspirin for fever reduction. I have no idea where you get that idea.
I've never been sick for at least 35 years of my 6+ decades of life.

> Body knows when to raise temp.


> Point is body NEVER induces heat shock to itself if it's not influenced.


BODY: I need some heat.
MIND: Ok, let's get some more.
BODY: That's enough.
MIND: (get out of tub)
SICKNESS: You've thwarted me.
BODY: Ah. Health.
MIND: Get on with life. Sickness never happened.

When I used to feel symptoms coming on, I'd get into a tub of water as hot as I could stand, to drive my temperature up.
When my body said, "We need to burn something out," I said, "Yes, let's get this done!"
I must be doing something right because I haven't had any cold/flu symptoms since... I don't even know... mid 80's?

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