“ 深圳女孩邹宜均自幼母亲管教严厉,2006年父亲去世后,她因财产纷争被母亲和哥哥强制送进精神病院。对此早有预料的邹宜均已提前委托相识的黄雪涛帮忙营救她出院。当黄雪涛作为律师赶到广州想要会见时,院方以她的监护人也就是母亲不允许为由拒绝她的会见,一切意愿由她的监护人即母亲代替行使。虽然最终黄雪涛帮助邹宜均打赢了官司,但邹宜均此前的处境让她感到恐惧,“一个成年公民,一旦进入精神病医院,就成了一个说什么都可以被忽略的人”。
The shiniest moment of Java: JavaOS
The computer designed to only run Java Applets - Sun JavaStation
by Cameron Gray
@trinsec if it's not DNS, it must be disk running out of free space
给象友们推荐一款可以随时听古典乐的app,其实就是加州的古典音乐电台Classical California KDFC。人在加州的话现在就可以打开收音机,不在的话可以去官网(www.kdfc.com)或者登录苹果美区商店下载。无广告,不收费,全天滚动播放,还有主持人用超级温柔的声音为你报时。这周在放加州古典乐终极歌单,共计250首,全部是加州居民投票选出来的最爱。从最后一名开始倒数,截止我发嘟时间放到第15。加州人口味也很杂,从巴赫勃拉姆斯贝多芬维瓦尔第到哈利波特星战指环王,总有一款适合你(好像在打广告,但是KDFC真的没给我钱)。不想听主节目的话还可以浏览其他频道,我个人很喜欢他们的Great Escape
我跟風推薦一個WRTI,是費城周邊的一個古典音樂電台的app,也有網頁writ.org,同樣免費無廣告(感謝積極捐款的聽眾 )。
I think it's called IDE. I met them several times when I was young, when I was a boy who didn't step into the realm of programming. Playing pirate games on a big chunk of CRT screen. And yeah, at that time, computers were perfectly fine without internet connection.
推特用户 @ElihusoQ 在军训期间住院 2 天,于 9 月 9 日回校后,发现其在学校宿舍内未藏好的 HRT 药物被收走,包括 1 板补佳乐(戊酸雌二醇片,国补)和 4 板色普龙(醋酸环丙孕酮片)。和它们放在一起的雌二醇凝胶幸免于难。除此之外,当事人还发现其电脑被尝试解锁至仅剩一次尝试机会。
后当事人前往行政楼办理事务,意外在学校行政楼一房间发现几板色普龙,通过剩余药量确认这些色普龙是自己此前被收走的。发现色普龙的桌子上没有其他物品,亦未发现被收走的补佳乐。推定对 HRT 药物的没收未经程序,也不可能归还。该房间不是其辅导员的办公室,但有其他校方人员活动。
补佳乐内包装有“戊酸雌二醇片”等汉字及部分说明,而色普龙内包装没有,推定这是补佳乐仍未被找回的原因。雌二醇凝胶幸存的原因则可能是对当事人的财产权实施侵害者未将雌二醇凝胶认知为药品。 推定实施侵害者身份,可能性:其他校方人员≈辅导员>班干部>舍友。无论实施侵害者是谁,这种行径都极其恶劣。如果侵害者不是舍友,那他们的做法还涉嫌非法搜查和非法入侵住宅。
@hanawa 派大星点了个赞(
Hmmm, can't help to complain OCBC's logic. (OCBC: A bank in Singapore)
They have a thing called OneToken, something like passkey but for OCBC only and without cloud sync. So each time you reinstalled the app, you can login and set up a lite version of OneToken, but to fully activate it, you have to get a 6 digits code from the letter they sent you.
With the limited OneToken, you can't change the mailing address. But to receive the letter, I have to update the mailing address.
Look, a loop born!
@Candinya 幸好我用的付费的IDM(逃
@Candinya 之前opera不是还搞了一个emoji域名,后来发现是opera自己搞得一个二级域名拿来卖钱,甚至都不是eTLD
Fuck it. #YOLO
#Bluesky continues to be entirely non-responsive to the numerous security vulnerabilities I've reported to them, so I spent the evening writing up a nice README and a framework with exploit modules, and just made it all public.
Have fun.
When the user creates a passkey on an Android device it's stored and synchronized with their other Android devices, and their passkey secrets are encrypted end-to-end. This makes passkeys available to the user across all Android devices that use Google Password Manager and are signed in with the same Google account.
@henghenghengAAAAA 俗话说辣椒辣两头(
@Candinya 以前觉得萌百还挺好用的,现在点进去满屏广告就觉得下头(
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond