@freemo @trinsec For domestic flight I always try to choose the business or first class when I'm flying alone, the price is not that crazy if you got the timing right. Last year I went to Yunnan and the price for round trip with business class is less than 4000 CNY (at this time the economy price is about 900 CNY for round trip). But when I went to Yunnan during the spring festival (follow my relatives), the economy class cost more than 4000 CNY.
But sadly it's getting difficult to find wide-body aircraft for domestic lines, like A350-900, where you can lie flat comfortably. For aircraft like A320, I think it's just a wider version of economy seat.
Internation one is always expensive, even during the off-season :(
Came our from bank, thinking if I wanted to take the chance to ride. Mentally I want to ride, but physically I don't, because it's windy and now catkins are filling up the air (and I'm too lazy).
So I decided to bike to a supermarket. So I did the ride, and it's not that tiring. And I picked up some yoghurt and 3 bottles of coconut water.
I don't know about coconut water until I went to Yunnan last year. I like it so much that I feel super depressed when I can't find the exact same brand in Beijing. I tried different brands but they just don't taste the same. And today I found that brand.
I'm so happy. It deserves a movie.[1]
[1]: When watching a movie, I need the perfect environment: the mood, the snake, the drink, and the movie itself. When I say something (snake or drink) deserves a movie, that's the highest appreciation I can give. And the word "moive" is just a placeholder, it can be a movie, an episode of anime, or a enjoyable youtube video.
Although Samsung has made me feel a little good about integrating AI in this way, I still don’t like it very much.
But at least the model is offline and does not require a subscription fee. In fact, this toot was written using the translation function of Samsung input method. I type Chinese, it outputs English. I don't change the output at all.
Despite it being a Japanese word, I noticed both I and my friend were totally ok to understand it. In Chinese, "前略" can be broken down into "前" front and "略" omit, which means omit the front part of opening the letter.
However, another Japanese word used in letter is "不一", which means "Very sincerely yours (valediction in correspondence)" in Japanese, but means "varying; differing; different; not uniform" in Chinese.
I wonder what happened in the history to make the word have such a big difference in meaning.
Despite it being a Japanese word, I noticed both I and my friend were totally ok to understand it. In Chinese, "前略" can be broken down into "前" front and "略" omit, which means omit the front part of opening the letter.
However, another Japanese word used in letter is "不一", which means "Very sincerely yours (valediction in correspondence)" in Japanese, but means "varying; differing; different; not uniform" in Chinese.
I wonder what happened in the history to make the word have such a big difference in meaning.
Talking about writing letters, instead of using "敬启者" (To whom it may concern) or something like "尊敬的XX" (Dear XX) for a start, I like using "前略" (Dispensing with the preliminaries).
Then I just found out this "前略" is not a valid Chinese word. It's actually a Japanese word. The meaning can be extended as "Forgive me for dispensing with the preliminaries, but I hasten to inform you that...".
涂着涂着把颜色涂错地方了 如果是在板绘里这完全不是事,但作为水彩要怎么办呢……既不想放弃原有的配色更不想重画,最终选择水洗然后用纸巾把颜色沾掉了。但由于不是阿诗那种耐折腾纸,沾得十分不均匀,留下了痕迹。重新涂色后竟然有种仿佛故意做旧的肌理感……是意外发现的技法呢,赶紧记录在小本本上
Maybe using the internation code (the 3-letter combination for each character) is better in terms of less character I need to write.
But I didn't find any good digital source for that. I download the 4 digits codes from wikipedia.
Side project for this weekend: https://github.com/hurui200320/utf8-ctc
Encode text using Chinese telegraph code, but with UTF-8 as a fallback, also with encryption (Transposition Cipher).
This project was built when my friend talked about sending postcards. The postcard costs 0.8CNY to send (proper mail starts with 1.2CNY, in contract, a big mac costs 22 CNY). Anyway, we don't want to spend the extra 0.4 CNY, but we also want privacy using post-services. So I came up with a solution to encode and possibly encrypt the text. All you need is to write and type a bunch of numbers.
No base64 or base58. From my previous experience, they are terrible to write and type.
If you want to know more, I also have a blog to descibe my idea (which I think GitHub's readme is good enough). Anyway, if you want to read, here is the google translated version: https://skyblond-info.translate.goog/archives/1062.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en-US&_x_tr_hl=zh-CN&_x_tr_pto=wapp
华为最近发了不少 高效率训练 的paper,比如DiT的 kv压缩(卷积法) https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.04692 和 更有趣的 帝江(频域变换映射qk,去掉softmax)https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.19928 。我有点阴谋论的猜测是因为华为被卡脖子了,所以拼命搞低成本小算力下的训练方法。但是这种压力带来的效果非常出色,真的是有突破的。综上所述制裁芯片大概率是没用的。
关于最后的印章成品”饭否🐱”的由来。我想了几天要做什么字的印章头好痛,不喜欢自己的名字我也已经有一个台湾印章了,喜欢的诗词像古剑三的梦付千秋星垂野,关于山海的诗词也没有喜欢到刻印章的程度。问家属家属拍大腿说我有!翻出了辛弃疾的词。然后我一眼看到了尚能饭否哈哈哈哈哈,感觉摘出来还有点搞笑的意味。在铸字行看到猫猫铅字的时候觉得好像Mona!圆滚滚毛茸茸,Mona还特别贪吃,跟饭否一起不能再搭。最后就从一首严肃的诗词变成了搞笑的猫猫要饭印章 。
No thought is ever complete. There will always be holes to fill!
If someone has said something which you largely agree with, especially if what they said aligns with your understanding of and goals towards an issue, then the LAST thing they need from you is someone playing devil's advocate. Nitpicking is annoying at best and, in a world where people are looking to drive wedges between allies, dangerous at worst.
- 认识的朋友比较多
- 很多都养狗
- 狗主人比较宅
你们能想象那种盛况吗:主人们牵着狗在草坪上 social,我沿着湖边跑步,每圈大约一公里,每圈回来,都会换一只新的狗遛。最多的时候一天遛了 5 只!
我对狗的品种完全不了解。小狗是不参加这种局的,放我手里遛的,都是看着很能跑的大狗。——虽然理论上狗的速度比人快,但实操起来,这些狗是跑不过我的,大概也和它们平时缺乏锻炼有关。它们的最快速度,也就比我的长跑冲刺速度略快,配速 4 分钟,但狗的这种速度最多也就坚持两三百米,随后就越跑越慢,开始喘气,配速 7~10 溜达。能把这一公里跑完的狗并不多,所以后来习惯了节奏后,大多数时间,狗主人会主动向前走一段迎接我们。
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond