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Today, I was trying to move my patreon subscription to the ocbc card. When setup, the ocbc will send a notification to my phone, and I need to approve it.

The issue is after I approve it on my phone, the app said your transaction is approved. But the patreon website is still waiting for approval.

Naturally, I asked customer support. They told me to WAIT for a day or two and see if the problem solves itself.


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#小西游记 #北京

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:aru_0010: 真的从来没见过这么多鸳鸯,还叽叽喳喳好不热闹。

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@Luciferre 前面的都没点开,就看到这个“内有鸟类”,一下子就点进来了(


BTW I feel my last postcard is lost. Either it's lost or it's being destroyed.

A postcard full of digits is not that suspicious, right? I assume no modern spies use those old codes.

Oh, just find out the word "stamp" can be postage stamp, or the one I used to print a pattern/mark on paper. No wonder why I feel similar to that word.

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I asked the teller (I should use teller instead of officer. I naively though the people works in the office will be officer) if she wants to check the content, she said there is no need to do that. I can just seal it.

So I pull out my stamp and the paste. I saw a flash of shock on her face when I stamped the seal.

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Looks like China Post has their own understanding about their own rules in different areas.

Today I went to the post office to send registered mail. And in Beijing, it's fairly smooth. Didn't encounter any problems. But from what I read from other posts, in some places they will ask you to open the letter so they can check what in it. They shouldn't read what you write on the paper, but they will check what you have other than paper. Technically speaking, the law gives the officer the right to check the content, but in my humble opinion, if you can't sneak a bomb into a flat 11cm by 22cm envelope, then you shouldn't bother others. Most of the time, they just bother you not because of you, but simply because they can. And that's probably why I choose to stick with Beijing.

In Beijing, they won't bother you not solely because they are better people, but also because I can ride another 20 minutes and go to the HQ of China Post and send a complaint if they bothered me.

The power of supervision :)

Identifiers are necessary for protocol operation. I2P protocols protect users privacy on its network by protecting identifiers in the NetDb. The latest updates provide even better anonymity. Privacy is a human right. I2P is a human rights protocol.

刷到一个做和果子的视频。因为众所周知的原因,博主根本不敢说自己做得是和果子,只好变着法改名,说是茶果子、供佛果子。 然后因为梦华录的影响,又有很多人问,这是不是唐果子。结果没想到评论战得更厉害了,一群人指责博主做得就是和果子,他的做法是在以倭代唐,文化挪用 :ablobcatknitsweat...

@fulkrum 黄油一直是这样的。之前每次用黄油开酥,做完之后无论怎么洗手,之后的一两天总是会手有余香。

Maybe it's not that complex. But it is the most complex one I have ever seen in my life. Considering I'm still 20+ years old and most of the time I don't even (need to) use develop branch for my personal projects.

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Me trying to remember what I did on Friday and what I should do today. Then I instantly recall the work when I saw this git graph.

There are two different remotes with each got a develop and master branch. And I pull changes from upstream to downstream.

Maybe I should ask earlier before I already implemented the solution. But still, this is a valid git usage right? Right?
Now a quick entertainment for you: guess which heads are the upstream repo and which ones are the downstream. Also which ones are develop branches and which ones are master branches.

Excuse me? Why does the same thing cost 4400 EUR in the Chinese official store while the listed price on their official website is only less than 3000 EUR?

One of my major flaws is that I always have a curiosity about various things and then feel the urge to buy equipment. Over the years, I have discovered a good technique: when I want to buy something, unless it is obviously useful (like a charging cable or a RAM module), I will add it to the shopping cart and then wait for a few months to see if I still really want it. If at that time I still want it, then I start doing research to see if this thing can meet my expectations.

In many hobbies that require purchasing equipment, I see many people advocating for a gradual progression: starting with entry-level equipment and continuously upgrading based on your needs. But I believe that this approach is not widely applicable. Take camping as an example, if you are going camping on foot, every gram of weight is important, and entry-level equipment will not meet your needs. In this case, buying entry-level equipment is simply a waste of money. However, if you are driving to the campsite, entry-level equipment doesn't need to be considered for weight and you only need to focus on functionality. Photography is similar, if you are only taking portraits, any camera other than those from the early Nokia era will suffice. But if you are into astrophotography, you may need to spend more money on a telescope rather than the camera itself. However, for bird-watching, both the lens and camera are equally important. Your camera needs to be sensitive enough to capture clean photos in low-light conditions, while your lens needs to provide sufficient quality light.

And one good thing from that flaw is I learnt how to gather information from different sources and how to make evaluations based on them. And nowadays, if I did my homework adequately, I generally get what I expected. And one general experience I learnt from those decision-making processes is that: You don't always get what you paid, but you have to pay first before you will get it. And you don't always pay money. For example, a good second-hand gear is cheaper in price, but you need to pay an extra amount of time to learn what to watch for and finally pick up what might fix your need. And with brand new gear, you pay a lot of money.

So when I said my new monocular is not as good as kowa or swarovski, I don't mean it's bad, instead, it's a feature for this price range, and I know it when I buy it.

But anyway, the future me might have a new homework to do, for swarovski, and possibly for cameras and lens too.

Great. Wandering around on the internet, and ended up to this company. Not the first time visit, but now it will be my ultimate goal for telescopes...

Great. Wandering around on the internet, and ended up to this company.

Not the first time visit, but now it will be my ultimate goal for telescopes.

Although I did recently purchase some cheap (compared to top brands) telescopes in this year and have no plan to replace them very soon, but I do spot a few things that correspond to this price range. It's ok for now, I'll classify myself as an amateur hobbyist, so don't gonna go super critical on those downsides. So maybe in two years or so I'll save some money, and if I still love watching birds and night sky, then I'll inevitably buy some good gear.

Bless my wallet.

@zleap @skyblond ...and a commercial ecosystem providing development, custom features/fixes and long-term support:

@zleap Yeah, free software are great to have, but without a strong commercial support and fairly good management, it's really hard to support serious usages. You can't hope for some editors to know how to properly submit a GitHub issue. I emotionally support those software, I use GIMP some times, but I do prefer some paid software that I can yell at them when something goes wrong because I paid for that. And by "yell at them", I don't mean physically, I can report the problem, let them figure it out, and I can actively keep asking them when I can get the fix. With free and opensource software, nobody should bear this burden, and thus the user can't expect a proper "growth" for the software.

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