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The people who don’t want you to run your own servers are the ones who want to run the servers.

People will happily run their own servers if it’s so simple to do that they don’t even know they’re doing it.

#SmallWeb #web0

frankie boosted

A lot can be said about moxie's web3 post.

I'd like to consider just one sentence here.

"People don’t want to run their own servers, and never will."

First part is true. But why?

Even my grandma can install android apps. Apps have become so easy because big tech pushed for it to be. Big tech never developed the concept of set-top box-like homeservers, not in their interest. If pushed like apps, homeservers would be easy too!

People don't want to? They never were given a proper chance to!

frankie boosted
@drq @unlofl You might seed while you are watching but likely not unless you are watching something very popular.

The tradition is to give back at least as much as you got. This is what keeps p2p sharing running and allows things like PT to even exist.

"Seed what you watch" is useful for load distribution so the source can handle the demand but not much else.
frankie boosted
@nanook still works.

Not sure who is really behind it now but magnet links are magnet links.
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This is the kind of news we need right now-

Forced by shortages to sell chipless ink cartridges, Canon tells customers how to bypass DRM warnings | Boing Boing

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Here is yesterdays dive with an attempt at color correction. There is a large Trumpet fish, a school of smaller trumpet fish, Blue Staghorn, baby Giant Clam, and a Puffer fish.


Jeffrey Phillips Freeman  
SCUBA, Trumpet Fish, Puffer, Blue Staghorn, Giant Clam. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 126

The booster shot has been approved in India and it's begun being administered. :ablobbounce:

But, people below 15 years of age are not eligible for a vaccine yet. (Not even a single dose) 🤔

frankie boosted

Find a new hobby. Something simple, portable, and handy might be nice.

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"To succeed, you need to have confidence, but to have confidence you need to succeed."

Yup. That makes sense right...?

<Insert as the addage says meme... nononononononononononono>

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The answers to prayers are usually found in those who pray.

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Of the companies that market stalkerware—sometimes under the guise of child safety or employee-monitoring software—@evacide told the TED audience, “Do these companies know that their tools are being used as tools of abuse? Absolutely.”

Adlai Stevenson- Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination

Apparently, it was a great speech. I'm yet to watch it.

Should it be possible to add Image Description (Alt-Text) to our profile pictures? 🤔

frankie boosted

Mobile Gaming is still so trashy as it was 10 years ago.
You can still find a few gems here and there though.

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Day 8

I hate it when giant Hyundai Palisades tailgate you for miles and then overtake you on a double yellow right before a blind corner...

#Palisade #Tailgaters

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The color corrected version (which im uploading the video for) looks much better but has some artifacts.

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱  
Some highlights from today's 100 ft (30 meter) dive. Full video will be uploaded tomorrow, these are screen grabs. We have an adult puffer fish who...
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