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Some more highlights from the video I took on today's dive. Video coming soon.

In thebelow pictures we have a Peacock Flounder (they change color), A Trumpet Fish, a school of Pennant Coralfish (Heniochus-acuminatus), and a Chelidonura livida.

Dive stats:


๐ŸŽ“ Doc Freemo :jpf: ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ  
I will share the other pictures from my dive in the next post. But this ancient absolutely massive Hawksbill Sea Turtle deserves its own post. This...
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frankie boosted

I will share the other pictures from my dive in the next post. But this ancient absolutely massive Hawksbill Sea Turtle deserves its own post. This guy was probably about 1.8 meters long and he didn't even react when I got super close to film him munching down. It is 1000% cooler in the video I'll be uploading soon.

Dive stats:


I should call it an early day, probably.
The lack of sleep is hurting me! ๐Ÿ˜

It amazes me, the number of trackers and cookies these tech news sites that talk about privacy, among other things, have.

frankie boosted
frankie boosted

Amazon Alexa user? @JasonAten recommends 3 tips to protect your privacy on the device:

1. Turn off Sidewalk, Amazon's mesh network that allows devices to connect to each other
2. Turn off voice recordings
3. Check/limit which 3rd-party Skills have access

Original tweet :

“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.”

Jane Austen, Letter to Cassandra Austen, 24 Dec 1798


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frankie boosted

Yup! has a 16,384 character limit! ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜ƒ has a 65,535 character limit! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
That's about Mastodon!

Most Pleroma instances have a 5000 character limit or higher. has 50,000;
Another instance, I forget the name of which has 5 million; has 2.147 billion character limit! ๐Ÿ™ƒ
Not kidding at all!

frankie boosted
@strawberryfieldsforever This is just one of the many reasons I dislike Mastodon. Back when I ran it, I used glitch-soc and set the limit to 2000 or something. Now that I'm on Pleroma, it's 5000 and I never have to worry about breaking my replies up into 3 different posts :comfy:
frankie boosted
@dsfgs @strawberryfieldsforever
>The 500 character limit was strongly disliked at first but now we are accustomed to it and appreciate it for what it encourages.

I have no clue what it encourages, because my instance doesn't follow this limit :comfyuwu:

>Who determines whether a link is misleading?

Moderators? Admins? I have no clue, really.

>Did they fork before Eugen renamed 'toots' to 'posts'?

They seem to follow the upstream. Check out their github.

>Before he stopped subscribing new users to the Admins?

Whatever accounts new users are subscribed to is configured per instance.
frankie boosted

The 500 character limit was strongly disliked at first but now we are accustomed to it and appreciate it for what it encourages.

You can split large post if needed.

Any valid PGP signature should not be included in the count, like domain names for instances are not included.

PGP elements should display differently to normal text so it doesn't attract attention.


frankie boosted

Do you find the 500 character limit in Mastodon low?

(Of course Mastodon is meant to be a Micro-blogging site! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)


Email id:


Why do you want to join us? :blobcatgoogly:

The last question reminds me of a college or job interview. ๐Ÿ˜

I'd thought that I'd read up some of those newsletters I'd subscribed to today. ๐Ÿ˜
Didn't do it till now.

frankie boosted

Get a book from the library (free) or bookstore about some topic youโ€™ve been interested in, but have never taken the time to learn.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.