I feel like I should point out that the more expensive version of the #pinephone costs less than #GME does right now.
Just saying: if you like sticking it to the people running everything then removing one of the most powerful tools of censorship and control in free countries from your life is something to think about.
Me: PostmarketOS moved some of the new stuff to stable, so my #pinephone should be more reliable.
Gilfriend: OOOOoooh yeah sure....
Email mastodon+swiley@swiley.net (this makes all of my computers beep and turn on an indicator light and is always the fastest way to reach me.) I was on octodon a while ago but abandoned my account. I've never been a member of gab or parlor.
If you’d like to learn to program I would consider the SICP [1] more or less the peak of American CS pedagogy (at least as far as beginners go) along with “The Practice of Programming” once you get through that.
I play ukulele, I’m ok at reading music and decent at improv. I learned from Walter Piston’s “Harmony” and some of Adam Neely’s videos.
My main phone is a pine phone so if I don’t pick up when you call the battery is probably dead, the modem is probably dead, or I’m currently swearing at calls/pulseaudio/alsa. I’d strongly recommend sending an email instead.
Dispite what my web page says I’ve stopped uploading my scratch projects to GitHub once I started to understand the basics of collaboration with git. I was using the flamegraph as gamification/motivation but it doesn’t work as well with feature branch/squash merge workflows so I just keep most things on my VPS until I’m happy with publishing updates.
[1] https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/book/book.html