Decided to start a mastodon account. Those who follow me on twitter may request "proof of pet" to confirm it's the same Sarah. I will send a unique pic of my pet.
@trinsec lol - it's so that if others sign up with my same name - then those who previously followed on twitter can request a unique pic of my pet - a cat - to see that it's really me...
@thesecretsarah We all love some cat pics here. :D (and other pets)
We have a Caturday (hashtagged) going on saturday. You could join in. ;)
@trinsec wow - that sounds like my kinda vibe hey!
They look lovely! ❤️
@thesecretsarah @trinsec I guess you should encrypt that....
@hasmis Mm why? I assume they'll take a new pic of the cat with a new angle as proof of pet.
@trinsec @thesecretsarah I know, but all cats look the same to me...
@thesecretsarah I think "proof of pet" deserves to be considered as a new official standard.
@thesecretsarah cool to see hoe many scientists are moving to this platform
@thesecretsarah New blockchain algorithm just dropped
@thesecretsarah I don't know what pet that is, but you've made me curious. :)